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Build your own code copilot from scratch for fun #161

Closed Zahidul-Islam closed 3 months ago

Zahidul-Islam commented 5 months ago

Full name and Bio Zahidul Islam, Founder and CEO of Jutsu.AI - A Generative UI platform that generate React code based on simple text prompts. He is one of the co-organizer of SFNode Meetup.

Talk title and abstract (description) Build your own code copilot from scratch for fun

If you are not living under the rock you probably know about ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot. In this presentation, I will show how you can supercharge your software development workflow with the help of an AI pair programmer. You can simplify your code and become a more productive software developer using LLMs.

We're not just talking theory here. We'll be hands-on, building our very own Code Copilot (like Github Copilot) from the ground up. Here are a few features we will build for our Copilot:

Join me for the session where we demystify Generative AI for software development and unveil the future of coding!

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo

Will update soon

Social Media Info (Optional) X: https://twitter.com/zahidsharp LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zahiduli/

Are you going to be live coding? Yes

Do you need audio from your computer? No