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Talk Proposal: Building serverless applications with Notation #165

Open djgrant opened 4 months ago

djgrant commented 4 months ago

Note: I'm leaving San Francisco on 1st March, so only available during February to give this talk!

Bio Daniel Grant is the founder of notation.dev, a framework for building serverless applications, which was born out his frustration with cloud bureaucracy. Based in Scotland, he is the co-organiser of GlasgowJS and previously helped establish the coding community CodeYourFuture.

Building serverless applications with Notation

In this talk I will share how to build and deploy serverless applications without getting lost in technical red tape.

Using Notation, a new framework for building serverless applications, we will explore how to generate cloud infrastructure from simple primitives, and how hot infra swapping can take the pain out of local of development. We'll see how Notation embeds irritating cloud implementation details – things like constructing valid ARN strings, or writing JSON policy documents - into the framework; and how end-to-end types, can help us to confidently slot together cloud services without blowing up production.


Also happy to tailor the talk – if the audience prefers, I can do more of a deep-dive into the underlying tech.

Social Media Info

Speaker https://twitter.com/djgrant_ https://www.linkedin.com/in/~djgrant/

Project https://github.com/notation-dev/notation https://discord.gg/mGzDWShPzm https://notation.dev

Are you going to be live coding? Yes

Do you need audio from your computer? No

christian-bromann commented 4 months ago

@djgrant thanks so much for proposing this talk! Can you give it on the 29th of February? We are at SentryHQ.

Building serverless applications with Notation

Mhm .. I am not sure but can we remove the company name and have a more general title? Often folks get skeptical as they don't want to hear a product pitch. I believe the talk can be more successful if focus on the topic of building serverless applications , describe the problems that come with it and then show how notation.dev can help.

What do you think?

djgrant commented 4 months ago

Can you give it on the 29th of February? We are at SentryHQ.

@christian-bromann 29th works great! On Fremont St?

Can we remove the company name and have a more general title?

Very happy to go with the type of talk that works best for the meetup. A few suggestions:

  1. Building serverless applications: Original proposal – my journey from disillusioned developer to creator of open source framework. Accessible to devs new to the cloud. The live demo will be interesting to people more experienced in the space.
  2. Rethinking infrastructure as code: Suitable for an audience already familiar with existing infra as code tools. I'll delve more conceptually into the design of existing tools, why they're hard for developers to grok, and what can be done to fix them.
  3. Surveying the infrastructure-as-code landscape: It's almost universally acknowledged that the current state of infrastructure tooling has regressed from Heroku in its heyday. Now new paradigms are emerging: infrastructure from code, framework-defined infrastructure, and even new programming languages designed specifically for this cloud era. This talk explores the pros and cons of each approach.
christian-bromann commented 4 months ago

@djgrant I appreciate your flexibility. I forwarded these suggestions to the other organizers and will get back to you shortly. I personally like the first one.

christian-bromann commented 4 months ago

@djgrant let's go with the first one. They all are great though!

christian-bromann commented 4 months ago

We published the event: https://www.meetup.com/sfnode/events/299183905/

djgrant commented 4 months ago

Awesome! Really looking forward to it!