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Talk Proposal: Highly Performant Data Visualization with Deck.gl #168

Open chrisgervang opened 2 months ago

chrisgervang commented 2 months ago

Full name and Bio

Chris Gervang, visualization engineer at Joby Aviation and member of the vis.gl Technical Steering Committee. He publishes data-driven stories about electric aviation, and is the author of hubble.gl, a library used to create data animations.

Talk title and abstract (description)

Title: Highly Performant Data Visualization with Deck.gl

Abstract: If the idea of interactively rendering over 5 million data points at 60fps in a mobile browser sounds exciting, then this talk is for you! Learn about the latest in deck.gl, a framework designed to simplify high-performance, WebGL2 (and now, WebGPU!) based visualization of large data sets, along with Open Visualization, the OpenJS members responsible for deck.gl's open governance.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo


Social Media Info (Optional)

Twitter: chrisgervang Github: @chrisgervang

Are you going to be live coding? No

Do you need audio from your computer? No

christian-bromann commented 2 months ago

Thank you Chris for suggesting the talk. We will schedule you for this month, Thursday 25th. I will follow up with details within the upcoming days.

christian-bromann commented 1 month ago

Hey Chris, quick update: this month our meetup will be on May 30th. Will you be able to join us and present?

christian-bromann commented 1 month ago

We have announced the event: https://www.meetup.com/sfnode/events/301228451/ .. Looking forward to have you!