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Talk Proposal: Building Real-Time Surveys with SolidJS and PartyKit: A Practical Approach #172

Open Pillin opened 1 week ago

Pillin commented 1 week ago

Full name and Bio

I'm Pillippa Perez Pons, a Frontend Software Engineer at Doordash, I am passionate about developing innovative web applications that enhance user experiences and improve efficiency. Originally from Chile, I have been living in the Bay Area for the past three years, embracing the vibrant tech community here.

Volunteering and community involvement are core to who I am. In 2019 and 2020, I mentored young girls through Niñas Pro, helping them develop their technical skills and inspiring their interest in technology. I also contributed to Django Girls in 2020, creating a welcoming environment for women to learn coding. In 2023, I had the opportunity to be an organizer for JSConf Chile, fostering a collaborative and inclusive tech community. Additionally, I played a significant role in JavaScript Chile 2023, promoting education and growth within the local JavaScript community. My commitment is to empower underrepresented groups and encourage them to pursue careers in technology, believing in their potential to make a significant impact.

Talk title and abstract (description)

Building Real-Time Surveys with SolidJS and PartyKit: A Practical Approach This talk will explore how to build real-time, interactive surveys using SolidJS and PartyKit. We will delve into the integration of these technologies to create responsive and dynamic survey experiences. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of SolidJS for building fast and efficient web applications and how PartyKit can be leveraged for real-time data synchronization. By the end of the session, you'll have a practical understanding of how to implement real-time features in your web projects and enhance user engagement with live feedback mechanisms.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo Backend: https://github.com/Pillin/survey-sync-backend Frontend: https://github.com/Pillin/survey-sync-frontend

Social Media Info (Optional) Twitter: https://twitter.com/_pilliin_ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ignaciapons/

Are you going to be live coding? Yes

Do you need audio from your computer? No

christian-bromann commented 1 week ago

@Pillin awesome talk proposal 🎉 are you available on Thursday, June 27th?

christian-bromann commented 5 days ago

Hey @Pillin cam you confirm to speak next Thursday?

christian-bromann commented 2 days ago

@Pillin we need your confirmation to schedule the event