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Talk Proposal: Building a Hybrid Node + Browser App in Electron #90

Closed burtonator closed 4 years ago

burtonator commented 5 years ago

Polar is an offline browser and document annotation / management system based on Electron:


It's about 50% node and 50% web in terms of tech split.

I'd like to discuss the Node part of the equation and integrating it tightly with the chrome portion.

For example, many web libraries require https to function correctly (cookies, etc) which poses a problem for Electron apps.

Another example is the potential use of GRPC to build a service mesh between browser windows instead of using the Electron IPC mechanism (which is slower).

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Hi @burtonator would you still be interested in giving this talk?

burtonator commented 5 years ago

Yes. Would love too. Any thoughts on a date?

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Sorry I missed this post. I will check the calendar and get back with you ASAP!

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Next available spot would be possibly March 7th or April 4th. Do either of those work for your schedule?


Trewaters commented 5 years ago

As you can see in the issue tracker we have a few submissions. I want to make sure we get your talk confirmed if you are still interested. It looks like May 2nd or later is available.

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

@burtonator May has filled up. Next available spot is July 11, 2019. If that works for you and you are still available to talk please let me know. Thanks!

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Hi @burtonator We are looking to make our final list of speakers for July 2019. Please let me know in 24 hours if you are available to speak July 11th. I don't want to miss you but we are in a little bit of a time crunch.


burtonator commented 5 years ago

@Trewaters July 11 would work great... looking forward to it.

I'm also thinking about doing a meetup myself and would love to ask you a few question.


or we can just discuss on the 11th.

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

@burtonator we had someone move their talk. Now we have an opening for June 6th. Would you mind moving your talk to June instead of July?

We could definitely talk about meetups. I will reach out.

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Oops. forget that! I messed up. We do need you July 11th!

I must need more coffee!!! Sorry for any confusion. I will update this issue to reserve the July 11th spot.

burtonator commented 5 years ago

ok... July 11... works for me.

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Thank you!

Trewaters commented 5 years ago

Hi Kevin,

I am running behind on this. Could you fill the out the information below so I could update the description. For now I will put a placeholder until you complete this. Sorry for the last minute notification. I only noticed this morning that we were missing these details.

burtonator commented 4 years ago

Full name and Bio

Kevin Burton, CEO/Founder - Polar

Talk title and abstract (description)

Title: Building a Hybrid Node + Browser App in Electron


Polar is a personal knowledge repository for capturing web content, PDFs and annotating them using the web and Electron as a backend.

Polar is designed to run within Electron and the web and we have both local and web backends.

Electron itself is based on Node + Chromium and we discuss some of the challenges we faced when building Polar for both the desktop and the web.

Make sure talk is true to the title and abstract Twitter handle (optional)


Other social profiles or personal blog (optional)

https://getpolarized.io https://www.inputneuron.io/

Url to slides or github (either now or can be posted in meetup comments later)

I'll get it to you soon. I want to make a few changes to it.

Are you going to be live coding?

No way. :)

Do you need audio from your computer? See past proposals for examples

burtonator commented 4 years ago

BTW.;.. how many minutes should I budget to talk for?

Trewaters commented 4 years ago

Less than 30 minutes. You will have to set up your laptops in that time too. I would suggest targeting 20 minutes.