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Merge about pages #115

Closed Beanow closed 4 years ago

Beanow commented 4 years ago

The homepage currently has a lot of overlap with /about. This PR moves the /docs/about pages up one level to /about.

One thing I wasn't sure of, was how to assign the layout in a good way. The approaches I found were: copy the docs layout to /layouts/about, add type: docs to all the content. I've opted for copying through symlinks, so any future content in /about automatically uses the same layout as well.

Content wise I've left things mostly as-is, with one notable difference. The previous /docs/about page said:

This page includes useful information about membership, contributing, 
trademark, and voting of SFOSC.

Since we now have a list of all these sub-pages as well, I opted to use the content that was in /about before moving.

Preview: preview

Beanow commented 4 years ago

@vsoch as you've worked on the about pages and theme, can I ask you opinion on this too?

vsoch commented 4 years ago

Any reason to not just redirect from /about to /docs/about? The home page is fairly useless other than being a pretty thing, the sooner we can get a user to looking at the content under docs, the better. For example, for docsy-jekyll I didn't even include it at all - it just adds more clicks and isn't incredibly beautiful or useful.

I definitely wouldn't have redundant information, and layout wise, my preference would be for how it looks in docs (over the previous about page, which was kind of ugly).

Beanow commented 4 years ago

The end result would be very similar indeed. With this PR the structure would be:

$ tree {about,docs}
├── code_of_conduct.md
├── contributing.md
├── _index.md
├── membership.md
├── social_contract.md
├── trademark.md
└── voting.md
├── Book
│   ├── business-models.md
│   ├── conception.md
│   ├── contribution_and_distribution.md
│   ├── governance.md
│   ├── _index.md
│   ├── institutions.md
│   ├── introduction.md
│   ├── motivations.md
│   ├── rawls_for_foss.md
│   └── the_way_forward.md
├── Business-Models
│   ├── as-a-service.md
│   ├── donations.md
│   ├── dual-licensing.md
│   ├── free-software-island.md
│   ├── free-software-product.md
│   ├── _index.md
│   ├── loose-open-core.md
│   ├── none.md
│   ├── support.md
│   └── tight-open-core.md
├── _index.md
├── Principles
│   └── _index.md
└── Social-Contracts
    ├── donation.md
    └── _index.md

With /about having the docs layout. It means the menu on the left side would not show docs when in about and vice versa.

Assuming we can give /docs/about both an alias and a main menu entry. This, and the difference in URL seems like the only differences.

My gut feeling was that the separate /about and /docs made sense. But I don't have a strong preference on this. So let me test if I can make what you're suggesting work.

vsoch commented 4 years ago

That layout looks very good to me - it's clearly separating the two, and as long as it looks okay, I'm :+1: :)

Beanow commented 4 years ago

I've tested the other approach. And it does allow me to add /docs/about as a main menu entry.

To make sure I explained the difference properly, here's the visual.

Using /docs/about redirect



Moving to /about



One thing I did notice was that docsy now doesn't detect the about page using the /docs/about redirect method. In the partial "footer" for example they use this:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "about" }}
  <p class="mt-2"><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></p>
{{ end }}

Which does not pick up that we've redirected /about to /docs/about.

It means this "About SFOSC" at the footer disappears. image

Beanow commented 4 years ago

This footer issue doesn't bother me, as it being blue doesn't fit that great in the footer anyway. Plus having "About" in the main menu means it's already present on every single page so it should be easy to find for humans and robots alike.

I don't have a strong preference either way. But if you're happy with the current setup I'll leave it that way.

Beanow commented 4 years ago

I've rebased, because #119 made a change to /about/contributing and showed as a conflict with the file moving.

vsoch commented 4 years ago

Ah thanks for the visuals! Yes, I like the changes better.

For the footer, I'd be okay with just removing the link, if it's not working. I don't see any benefit to having it there, and the blue is a bit hard to see. It will look cleaner without it.

Beanow commented 4 years ago

Yes, I like the changes better.

Which do you mean?

For the footer, I'd be okay with just removing the link, if it's not working. I don't see any benefit to having it there, and the blue is a bit hard to see. It will look cleaner without it.

Should we want to remove it, it can be explicitly disabled with config as well. ui.footer_about_disable

Conversely we can add CSS overrides to fix the colour of the link as well.

vsoch commented 4 years ago

The second, "Moving to about" with the file structure that you showed.

And then I'd still remove the About in the footer, simpler is usually better.

Beanow commented 4 years ago

Great! If you would like to add an explicit review (they earn you cred! and is useful for the PRs history at a glance), I'll merge this as-is then and make a new PR for removing the footer link. Also agree the homepage can be made more useful, I hadn't gotten around to it yet for this round of PRs.

vsoch commented 4 years ago

Are you able to assign me? I don't have authority to for this repo.

vsoch commented 4 years ago

Just kidding, I can pick an arbitrary line and then review, huzzah! :tada:

Beanow commented 4 years ago

I'm not able to request a review, probably for the same reason as you're not in the github organization. Like you found out need to do this from the Files changed tab. I think it will allow you to do so without commenting on code as well using this button on the top right. (I believe it greys out approve/reject for me because I can't review my own PR) image

Anyhow, thank you!

vsoch commented 4 years ago
