sfregosi / agate

agate: Acoustic Glider Analysis Tools and Environment. MATLAB-based tools for working with passive acoustic underwater gliders.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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agate documentation #1

Open sfregosi opened 1 year ago

sfregosi commented 1 year ago


sfregosi commented 1 year ago

Started transition to Quarto - lots of issues with github action for rendering...but working on it.

Ah! Got it to work. Issue was not with the folder structure with the .Rproj (having the documentation in a docs folder) but with having the github action apply to the root vs the docs folder!

sfregosi commented 1 year ago

Plots page started, needs to be filled in with screenshots, descriptions

sfregosi commented 1 year ago

Rather than a single workflow page - created individual pages for each workflow, and added those as checklist items to top section