sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
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URLs in details no longer work #136

Open MichaelWednesday opened 5 years ago

MichaelWednesday commented 5 years ago


First of all - I really love this app and I'm using it daily. Great job!

So my issue really is around URLs in calendar events. Before the last update, I was able to click a link in Itsycal and it would take me to the online meeting, but now the URLs are deformed and are no longer clickable. Special characters no longer work as well, so maybe there's an issue with encoding. Screenshot 2019-06-25 at 08 49 33

sfsam commented 5 years ago

The last update included a change to parse HTML in notes. That involved interpreting the note as UTF8. I've made a small change to that which I wonder if you could try out:


If it doesn't work, is there a way you could share an event that I could use for testing?

MichaelWednesday commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the long delay! I've tested your release and it is definitely much better. UTF characters are displayed properly now. However, URLs are still not clickable. I've created an *.ics event for you, available here:


Really all it has is a URL in the description. I hope this helps.

sfsam commented 5 years ago

Thank you. I imported the event into my calendar, but it seems to work. It opens my browser at github. Maybe something was lost in the process of importing the event? When you import this event, what happens when you click it?

espen commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing this issue with emails from Microsoft Teams. Example where notes is cut at the URL:

Hello meeting message

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N24NDZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22T22a%22%7d>
+47 21 40 20 58<tel:+47%2021%2040%2020%2058,,1337#>   Norway, Oslo (Toll)
Conference ID: 1337#
Local numbers<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/2c961d5?id=1337> | Reset PIN<https://mysettings.lync.com/pstnconferencing> | Learn more about Teams<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=9922a&tenantId=88@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>
sfsam commented 4 years ago

@espen Could you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing in Itsycal? I don't have MS Teams so I'm not familiar with these messages.

espen commented 4 years ago
Itsycal 2020-05-08 14-15-56

In other calendars (Fastmail webapp) the links appear.

Looking at the code it is strange that the links are wrapped in angle brackets. I'm a bit unsure why or if there anything in ical spec that would require this.

sfsam commented 4 years ago

Right now, Itsycal interprets the note as HTML so that it can render notes made in a rich text editor (like Google Calendar) properly. The angle brackets in these notes are interpreted as HTML tags and thus don't appear. I'm stumped at the moment on how to resolve this.

espen commented 4 years ago

I understand. Are you using any html parser for this?

Does it display all html or what "rich text" will it show? Will it display images, tables etc?

The standard does indicate that this is a text field though, not html (1). I'm not sure what html calendar apps are setting in this value. If html is not widely used then perhaps just treat it as text and make links clickable.

Not sure if this is an issue for "just" emails from Microsoft (Teams and Skype) or something more generic.

1: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-

sfsam commented 3 years ago

I don't know if you're still using Itsycal, but in case you are, I have tried to address the issue where links are embedded inside angle brackets. If you are still using the app, could you try this out and let me know if it works?
