sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
MIT License
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Text is not aligned vertically anymore #145

Closed Jendker closed 4 years ago

Jendker commented 4 years ago

As mentioned in the other issue https://github.com/sfsam/Itsycal/issues/144 the text is not aligned vertically anymore. Please have a look on the drawing with the old build:


And new build New

It is just a couple of pixel difference, but is noticeable.

sfsam commented 4 years ago

Thanks for noticing this.

This is a bug in Xcode/macOS 10.14+. No change was made to how the text is drawn in Itsycal.

The change that causes this behavior was setting the Deployment Target of the app to macOS 10.14 from macOS 10.12. This change was made to utilize new API related to Mojave's Dark Mode.

For some reason, changing the deployment target to 10.14 slightly changed the metrics of many UI elements throughout the app. This shouldn't happen. I got most of them, but missed this one.

I have a hack/workaround which I'm hoping I will be able to share fairly soon.

Jendker commented 4 years ago

Nice, thanks a lot! I'll close this issue as soon as I can confirm the improvement.

sfsam commented 4 years ago

Can you tell me what version of macOS you are running and whether you have a Retina or non-Retina monitor?

Jendker commented 4 years ago

I am running MacOS 10.14.6 and the screenshots above are from non-retina screen. On the retina Macbook display it looks better though. There the text is only slightly too high:

Bildschirmfoto 2019-09-25 um 00 31 16
sfsam commented 4 years ago

I have made a test version. Could you try it out?


Jendker commented 4 years ago

Now it is much better! On the same hight as the original Apple clock in menu bar. I checked it on both screen, retina and non-retina.

Thanks! Closing the issue.