sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
MIT License
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Calendar weeks do not match unicode week numbers #183

Closed jimcasey closed 3 years ago

jimcasey commented 3 years ago


I use a custom date format (yyyy.ww) to show the year/week of the year in the toolbar, and then have the Show calendar weeks option checked in settings:

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 5 56 13 PM

It appears the weeks listed in the calendar are not aligned with the value displayed in the titlebar – notice in the screenshot here, it is currently week 4 in the titlebar but week 3 in the calendar:

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 5 53 15 PM

I realize that there are competing standards – for example, the calendar follows F.4 of the Unicode standard linked in the docs, while the titlebar calculation follows the "1/1 is always week 1" rule, which is the same as Outlook (and my organization, and thus my preference 😄).

Any thoughts on what it might take to make this consistent?

sfsam commented 3 years ago

Thanks for posting this issue. I wrote about it here: https://twitter.com/mowgliiapps/status/1347305213397327873?s=21 Basically, you can set the macos calendar to use the ISO standard.

djeikyb commented 2 years ago

There's also a nice help page!

To save a click, itsycal does not support the gregorian calendar. Only the iso 8601 standard is supported. But macs configured for the USA default to the gregorian calendar. There are subtle differences, and week year number is one of them.
