sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
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Prioritize Dots by calendar, keep visible on Event List view #202

Open insipidlight opened 2 years ago

insipidlight commented 2 years ago

Colorblind note! My colors are not accessible enough, see dates listed for current week

Dots are shown in a specific order:

  1. full-day events (alphabetically?)
  2. then, chronologically

This should be customizable. Keep selected calendars visible on Event List, but dots should have a sort option (chronological/priority)—also so that they don't eat up the 3 that are visible


Consider yesterday, the 14th (selected)

  1. Appointment (white dot) should be first as high priority.
  2. Work (yellow dot) should be showing second, but it's currently not shown at all.

They are preceded by 1 Holiday (all day) and 1 Astronomy event, so it's useless. I don't want to hide these from the Calendar or Event List, they're just less important. By a glance it looks like I don't have work that day!! it's horrible for scheduling. Same on the 18th and 19th.

Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 20 24 15

My use case, dots listed by priority/importance:

sfsam commented 2 years ago

How might the UI for dot priority work?