sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
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Menu bar string doesn't update #215

Closed ajs256 closed 1 year ago

ajs256 commented 1 year ago

(followup from #214)

It seems like the custom data in the menu bar doesn't update as often as it should:


Is this expected? Is there a setting I'm missing to make it update faster?

sfsam commented 1 year ago

It should update in sync with the clock. Can you share a screenshot of the Preference panel where you put in the date-time pattern?

ajs256 commented 1 year ago

The pattern I'm using is E MMM d h:MM a.

sfsam commented 1 year ago

MM is months. mm is minutes. MM is giving you 12 because it is December. The page I linked above links to all the date time patterns.

ajs256 commented 1 year ago

Oh, I was confused. Thanks!