sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
MIT License
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[Feature req' / Issue] getting to the settings menu with the Dock icon. #227

Open zxzzz8 opened 1 year ago

zxzzz8 commented 1 year ago

i'd like to request the option to leave the dock icon on, so that you can enter the settings menu from another location other then the widget in the menubar, or at least some other way to get to the settings menu other then the widget.

the issue i encountered, is when i accidentally set too long date format that it was removed from the menu bar by the notch, and by the time i noticed, i had no way to get back to the settings page, closing and opening the app with activity monitor and reopening didn't help either.

nk9 commented 7 months ago

On macOS 13 Ventura and later, you can change the resolution of your MacBook's screen to bring the menu bar below the notch.

zxzzz8 commented 6 months ago

you can also delete the settings file of the app, which is what i did back then.... but both are extremely not user-friendly as far as i see it, and to begin with it was just an example for the most needed scenario, i personally feel like this feature is missing in general regardless, because in most apps you can just access it from the left menubar options, but maybe that might be just me feeling something is missing / off?

but thanks for the emergency approach non the less, ^^ i already have it set at a pretty big resolution there and am scared it will mess things up like the desktop icons etc, but good reminder its there as last resort.

zxzzz8 commented 6 months ago

also this doesn't account for the situation where someone already had it under the dock and with big resolution, and still had too many menu icons, resulting in the same original state i mentioned, as i said the current situation is not user friendly, and why some feature is needed there, but i agree it was to begin with due to a bad behavement of the OS in such scenarios.