sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
MIT License
3.25k stars 234 forks source link

[Feature Request] Integration with reminders too, not just calendars #230

Open VladimirCo opened 10 months ago

VladimirCo commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your app! BUT!!! one thing that is missing to make it not just the best - but legendary - is the integration with reminders! In this case, when the user would tap on the application icon he would be able to see not only events from the calendar - but also events from reminders, which would give the opportunity to view ALL events, not just events from the calendar! I would gladly pay for such an app upgrade, because this upgrade would make your app absolutely indispensable and has absolutely no competitors! Especially this upgrade would not spoil anything. Those users who do not want reminders to be visible in Itsycal - you could uncheck the checkbox from showing reminders in the section where you select calendars to display. The new app https://remindercal.bilaal.co.uk/ is trying to solve this problem now - but it does it very inconveniently. But look how many users it has gotten in just half a year! That's because this flaw in viewing events from the calendar and reminders at the same time would be ideally addressed by an app like yours. So I suggest that you do it. With respect and faith in your app

VladimirCo commented 10 months ago

It turns out that such functionality is already implemented in the application Dato, but still this application is not as convenient as yours. Besides, reminders are NOT displayed as dots in the app itself when you click on the app icon - only calendar events are displayed. A better way would be to make the reminder dots just a different color. For example, calendar events are blue dots and reminders are orange dots. So, if you intergrate reminders into your app - then it will definitely be the best. And even if it is paid.