sfsam / Itsycal

Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. http://www.mowglii.com/itsycal
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DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth borks UI on application startup #246

Closed GreyAsteroid closed 4 days ago

GreyAsteroid commented 4 days ago

Having DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth set when starting Itsycal causes it to fail loading any UI when clicking on the menu bar item. This behavior occurs regardless of what DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth is set to as long as the key exists.

sfsam commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the report. Can you describe exactly how I can reproduce this? I set DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth to 1, quit Itsycal, and then relaunched it, and it works for me. I also unset it (so it still exists, but is zero) and quit/relaunched and that works too.

GreyAsteroid commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the report. Can you describe exactly how I can reproduce this? I set DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth to 1, quit Itsycal, and then relaunched it, and it works for me. I also unset it (so it still exists, but is zero) and quit/relaunched and that works too.

Here's a screen recording of the issue https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BbrO2wExP6g00kIdolHQ1lvMNPJ4SNnP/view?usp=sharing

sfsam commented 4 days ago

Hmm, even after watching the screencast I can't reproduce this. Is the console output relevant?

Can you try the command this way? defaults write com.mowglii.ItsycalApp DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth -bool YES

GreyAsteroid commented 4 days ago

Hmm, even after watching the screencast I can't reproduce this. Is the console output relevant?

Can you try the command this way? defaults write com.mowglii.ItsycalApp DoNotDrawOutlineAroundCurrentMonth -bool YES

I captured the console output for good measure, but it turns out using an actual bool seems to prevent this issue from happening.

I don't know if it matters enough to modify the code to account for this or just adjust the update notes to use a bool instead of 0/1 for the command.

sfsam commented 4 days ago

Thanks. I've updated the notes. I'm curious, can you tell me what version of macOS you are on?

GreyAsteroid commented 4 days ago

Thanks. I've updated the notes. I'm curious, can you tell me what version of macOS you are on?

Nothing special, latest Sonoma (14.5). It does look a bit different though because I have reduce transparency enabled and I'm using a non-retina display.

sfsam commented 4 days ago

How interesting. I'm on latest Sonoma (14.5) as well. This issue reminded me of a past one where similar behavior was happening on an older macOS, so I had guessed that was the issue here too. But nope.

Thanks for surfacing this.