sfscriv / DayZ-Improvements

Inventory Items, Planning Tools, Mission Transmissions, Melee System, etc...
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Inventory Management #4

Open sfscriv opened 11 years ago

sfscriv commented 11 years ago

Please refer to the image titled “DayZ_Inventory_Presentation.” http://spartanwarfighters.net/miscel/DayZ/DayZ_Inventory_Presentation.png (Right-click the link and select "Open in new tab")

We will progress from left to right.

On the far left, titled “Current Inventory System” is the inventory system being used by the DayZ mod to ArmA II.

The second image from the left, titled “Slot Allocation” highlights three sections in red with blue numbers in the center. The top section with 12 slots is a catch-all General Purpose section. The next highlighted section down with 8 slots is for secondary weapon ammunition (ammo) and bandages. The bottom highlighted section with 12 slots is for tools.

The third from the left image, titled “Recommended Inventory System” incorporates additions and changes to the exiting system. It is a visual example of a nearly fully stocked inventory with common inventory icons.

The second from the right image, titled “Recommendation Explained” gets into the details of the recommended upgrade to the inventory system. Starting at the top left and working our way down.

1) Hats and sunglasses could be added as items found at loot points. Players could then personalize a character’s outward appearance by picking up desired items and dropping undesirable items.

2) A viewing panel could be added to see your character’s appearance. An ability to flip between front or back - or - rotate the character in the viewing panel could be added. Players could see their clothing, hat, sunglass, etc.. selection and changes.

3) Instead of clothing taking up space and cluttering the General Purpose section with clothing found and collected, a slot could be allocated just for clothing. A player could periodically change clothing and extra clothes could still be stored in the backpack.

The Vest will be discussed in the last panel.

4) Make the primary weapon more customizable. Low power scope, aimpoint, reflex sight, grenade launcher, flashlight, camouflage (cammo), etc. could be adjusted using the two new “Attachment” slots.

5) Reclassify the crossbow and perhaps the MP5 as a secondary weapon. The hatchet and crowbar when moved from the tool belt could also be utilized in the secondary weapon slot. A shift of items from the tool belt to a weapon slot position needs further attention as there is a chance of loosing the weapon in the process. The current system of moving the hatchet to the primary weapon slot can result in the primary weapon disappearing. Maybe, keeping the hatchet and crowbar in the tool belt can still allow the tool to be used as a melee weapon.

6) The number of available slots in the backpack needs to be visible throughout the inventory process. One way to illustrate the number of slots available is to put a numeric depiction over the backpack icon in the backpack slot. It would be nice if the backpack contents were visually depicted when the backpack is open regardless of the situation. Perhaps, a pop-out extension of the backpack inventory with icons shown to the bottom or right of the existing inventory display.

7) In an effort to maintain control and have the ability to organize an inventory that is near full capacity, it would be useful to have two slots to hold items without dropping them on the ground. Currently, dropping an item or items on the ground could result in loosing the items. The “Transfer” slots could universally hold any type item “as one slot” regardless of the number of slots it will end up taking in the inventory. The two transfer slots can only be used temporarily. The background would be green when empty and red when an item is present. The green symbolizing “good to go” and red symbolizing “danger” the item could be dropped. Closing the gear while an item is in the transfer slot would result in dropping the item. Having the transfer slot could allow an item to be moved from the backpack to the transfer slot then on-hand items could be moved to the backpack. The item could then be moved to the on-hand inventory without ever being dropped on the ground.

8) This subsection of Inventory Management ties back in with Recommended User Interface adjustments. While in the prone, the combat roll could still be conducted by using the “Q” and “E” keys. There is a concern with ArmA players being fond of the lean ability. This package of recommended configuration changes could, of course, be approved as separate pieces, if the lean default keys were to remain unchanged.

Inventory management is a big part of the game and it would be nice if it were associated with a high use/easily accessible key. The “Q” would make inventory much faster and easier compared to the existing “G” key.

The scroll wheel and left mouse button means of interacting with the environment should be moved away from in favor of a designated key. For this recommendation the favored key is the “E” key.

Let’s get into the main purpose of section eight which is to consolidate the throwing items into one section that can be accessed with the “F” key. Primary weapon function would be disassociated with the “F” key. The right mouse button or other button could be used to throw an object. Chem lights could also be stored in the designated throwing row.

9) Food and drinks would be consolidated in a row and firewood could also be stored in the row.

10) Bandages would no longer share item slots with secondary weapon ammo. All the medical supplies would have their own row.

11) Tools would continue to have their own section, but are the only real losers in the turf war. The tool section would go from 12 slots to 8 slots. Storage of the tent could shift to the tool belt.

The Backpack would remain unchanged and could hold items of all types as long as remaining room permits.

Now for our last topic, the Vest Expansion. If 8 slots for Throwing, Food/Drink, and Medical is a bit excessive, a vest fond at a loot point could expand the storage of bottom four rows from 6 to 8 slots.

All in all, the recommended inventory system segregates, consolidates, and expands upon the existing system. The slot count for stored items increase by 18 slots.

For more recommendations from this DayZ Survivor, go to: https://github.com/sfscriv/DayZ-Improvements/issues