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Amplitude mismatch between simulated point source and synthetized sound field #173

Closed pizqleh closed 3 years ago

pizqleh commented 3 years ago


I'm trying out the "Sound Field Synthesis - Circular loudspeaker arrays - Point source" examples (for WFS and NFC-HOA), and and I have found that the amplitude of the synthetized sound field is much stronger than the amplitude of the simulated sound field of a point source (sfs.fd.source.point). I know that the simulated sound field of a point source is normalized/multilpied by 1/(4*pi), but even denormalizing it the amplitude mismatch still holds.

Why is this happening? Is this to be expected by the nature of the methods (WFS and NFC-HOA)? Or maybe there is a missing normalizing factor in the implementation?

The code that I used is almost the same as the ones of the examples:

  number_of_secondary_sources = 40
  frequency = 300  # in Hz
  radius = 5  # in m
  r = 1
  xs = [0, 3 * radius, 0]  # position of virtual point source in m

  grid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-r * radius, r * radius], [-r * radius, r * radius], 0, spacing=0.01)
  omega = 2 * np.pi * frequency  # angular frequency

  def sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid, tapering=True):
    if tapering:
        tapering_window = sfs.tapering.tukey(selection, alpha=0.3)
        tapering_window = sfs.tapering.none(selection)
    p = sfs.fd.synthesize(d, tapering_window, array, secondary_source, grid=grid)
    sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid, xnorm=[0, 0, 0])
    sfs.plot2d.loudspeakers(array.x, array.n, tapering_window)

  array = sfs.array.circular(number_of_secondary_sources, radius)

  d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.point_25d(omega, array.x, array.n, xs)
  sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid)

  d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.nfchoa.point_25d(omega, array.x, radius, xs)
  sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid)

  p = sfs.fd.source.point(omega, xs, grid)
  normalization = 4 * np.pi
  sfs.plot2d.amplitude(normalization * p, grid)

The synthetized sound field for WFS, NFC-HOA and the simulated sound field of the point source are:

WFS NFC-HOA point_source

Thank you, Pedro Izquierdo L.

fs446 commented 3 years ago
import sfs
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

number_of_secondary_sources = 2**7
frequency = 343 # in Hz
radius = 5 # in m
r = 1
xs = [0, 100 * radius, 0] # position of virtual point source in m

normalization = 4 * np.pi * np.linalg.norm(xs)  # consider also distance!

grid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-r * radius, r * radius], [-r * radius, r * radius], 0, spacing=0.01)
omega = 2 * np.pi * frequency # angular frequency

def sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid, tapering=True):
    if tapering:
        tapering_window = sfs.tapering.tukey(selection, alpha=0.3)
        tapering_window = sfs.tapering.none(selection)
    p = sfs.fd.synthesize(d, tapering_window, array, secondary_source, grid=grid)
    p *= normalization  # normalize to compensate 1/(4*pi*distance)
    sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid, xnorm=None)
    sfs.plot2d.loudspeakers(array.x, array.n, tapering_window)

array = sfs.array.circular(number_of_secondary_sources, radius)

d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.point_25d(omega, array.x, array.n, xs)
sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid)

d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.nfchoa.point_25d(omega, array.x, radius, xs)
sound_field(d, selection, secondary_source, array, grid)

p = sfs.fd.source.point(omega, xs, grid)
sfs.plot2d.amplitude(normalization * p, grid)

The code above is probably what you want to have, I slightly changed the general parameters, since with a plane wave like wavefront it is more convenient to see what is going on. However, the changes that are needed to solve your question:

We should probably modify the examples and docstrings to cover these normalizations with more convenient user experience. Thanks for bringing this up!

pizqleh commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much Frank for your quick and complete answer!

mgeier commented 3 years ago

FYI, None is the default value for xnorm, so sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid) should do.