sftcd / openssl

TLS/SSL and crypto library
Apache License 2.0
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Continues to output `s_client: Use -help for summary.` #19

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

I am trying to run echcli.sh but it continues to show that it failed My openssl code folder was not $HOME/code/openssl but I chose $HOME/openssl So I edited the shell script by replacing the directory However it prints the following instead of the success message

Running ./echcli.sh at 20211015-180418
Running: /Users/david/openssl/apps/openssl s_client -msg -debug -trace  -tlsextdebug -keylogfile keys.cli  -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1_2  -connect crypto.cloudflare.com:443   -servername crypto.cloudflare.com   -svcb        -alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2  
./echcli.sh All output
s_client: Use -help for summary.

./echcli.sh Summary: 
Bummer - probably didn't work

Is there something wrong with what I am doing or the code?

sftcd commented 2 years ago

Hiya, I'm guessing you just need to set an environment variable. If you look into the echcli.sh script, you'll see that you need to set $CODETOP to your build directory, e.g.

$ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried that but unfortunately it is still the same.

-------- Original Message -------- On Oct. 15, 2021, 13:24, sftcd wrote:

Hiya, I'm guessing you just need to set an environment variable. If you look into the echcli.sh script, you'll see that you need to set $CODETOP to your build directory, e.g.

$ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh

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sftcd commented 2 years ago

Could it be that you built the master branch maybe? (Rather than the ECH-draft-13a branch)

ghost commented 2 years ago

No. I ran git status and it says "On branch ECH-draft-13a" I am absolutely sure I didn't build the wrong branch Maybe some upstream changes were made but I don't know

-------- Original Message -------- On Oct. 15, 2021, 13:34, sftcd wrote:

Could it be that you built the master branch maybe? (Rather than the ECH-draft-13a branch)

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sftcd commented 2 years ago

odd, I just built a version here in $HOME/openssl and it worked fine

sftcd commented 2 years ago

ah, I've reproduced it here, lemme check

sftcd commented 2 years ago

Looks like you're not getting the HTTPS RR for cloudflare - the script uses dig for that so maybe you don't have that installed or something?

sftcd commented 2 years ago

To check the above try see do you get the same as this:

$ dig TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com

; <<>> DiG 9.16.8-Ubuntu <<>> TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52497
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
;crypto.cloudflare.com.     IN  TYPE65

crypto.cloudflare.com.  82  IN  TYPE65  \# 134 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046 FE0D0042BE0020002039959AD0058B86C2FB71B0E03B072A6D73E6C2 DDBE6F2613B392D6D85F1687690004000100010013636C6F7564666C 6172652D65736E692E636F6D00000006002026064700000700000000 0000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Oct 15 21:49:15 IST 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 196
ghost commented 2 years ago

Yes, I got the same

-------- Original Message -------- On Oct. 15, 2021, 13:50, sftcd wrote:

To check the above try see do you get the same as this:

$ dig TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com

; <<>> DiG 9.16.8-Ubuntu <<>> TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52497 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;crypto.cloudflare.com. IN TYPE65

;; ANSWER SECTION: crypto.cloudflare.com. 82 IN TYPE65 # 134 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046 FE0D0042BE0020002039959AD0058B86C2FB71B0E03B072A6D73E6C2 DDBE6F2613B392D6D85F1687690004000100010013636C6F7564666C 6172652D65736E692E636F6D00000006002026064700000700000000 0000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F

;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Oct 15 21:49:15 IST 2021 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 196

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sftcd commented 2 years ago

hmm, maybe uncomment the set -x at the top echcli.sh and the post the output of $ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh -d

ghost commented 2 years ago
+ : /Users/david/openssl
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/david/openssl
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/david/openssl
+ : /Users/david/code/openssl
+ VG=no
+ DEBUG=no
+ NOECH=no
+ GSUITE=0x20,1,1
+ GTYPE=65037
+ DEFALPNVAL='-alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2'
+ DOALPN=yes
+ PORT=443
+ HIDDEN=crypto.cloudflare.com
+ DEFFRAG=/cdn-cgi/trace
+ PNO=
+ CAPATH=/etc/ssl/certs/
+ CAFILE=./cadir/oe.csr
++ whenisitagain
++ /bin/date -u +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S
+ NOW=20211015-205924
+ echo 'Running ./echcli.sh at 20211015-205924'
Running ./echcli.sh at 20211015-205924
++ /usr/bin/getopt -s bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind --
+ options=' -- bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind --'
+ eval set -- ' -- bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind --'
++ set -- -- bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind --
+ '[' 7 -gt 0 ']'
+ case "$1" in
+ shift
+ break
+ hidden=crypto.cloudflare.com
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
++ mktemp
+ tmpf=/var/folders/4x/rsx335ks4gs8xfw9mr4f1ff80000gn/T/tmp.XyLyF3wf
+ /Users/david/openssl/apps/openssl s_client -help
++ grep -c 'trace output of protocol messages' /var/folders/4x/rsx335ks4gs8xfw9mr4f1ff80000gn/T/tmp.XyLyF3wf
+ tcount=1
+ [[ 1 == \1 ]]
+ TRACING='-trace '
+ rm -f /var/folders/4x/rsx335ks4gs8xfw9mr4f1ff80000gn/T/tmp.XyLyF3wf
+ dbgstr=' '
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ vgcmd=
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ snioutercmd=' '
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ target=' -connect crypto.cloudflare.com:443 '
+ server=crypto.cloudflare.com
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ selstr=
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ ciphers=
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ qname=crypto.cloudflare.com
+ [[ 443 != '' ]]
+ [[ 443 != \4\4\3 ]]
++ dig +short -t TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com
++ cut -f 3- '-d '
++ tail -1
++ sed -e 's/ //g'
++ sed -e 'N;s/\n//'
+ ECH='  -svcb '
+ [[   -svcb  == '' ]]
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[   -svcb  == '' ]]
+ grease_str=' -ech_grease -ech_grease_type=65037'
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ ignore_str=' '
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ echstr='-servername crypto.cloudflare.com   -svcb    '
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[ crypto.cloudflare.com != \N\O\N\E ]]
+ echstr=' -servername crypto.cloudflare.com   -svcb    '
+ [[ '' == \y\e\s ]]
+ httphost=crypto.cloudflare.com
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ httpreq='GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: crypto.cloudflare.com\r\n\r\n'
+ [[ crypto.cloudflare.com != \l\o\c\a\l\h\o\s\t ]]
+ certsdb=' -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/'
+ force13='-no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1_2'
+ session=
+ [[ '' != '' ]]
+ alpn=
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ [[ yes == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \n\o ]]
+ alpn='-alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2'
++ mktemp /tmp/echtestXXXX
+ TMPF=/tmp/echtesttUJx
+ earlystr=
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ sleepaftr=2
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ echo -e 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: crypto.cloudflare.com\r\n\r\n'
+ sleep 2
+ /Users/david/openssl/apps/openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1_2 -connect crypto.cloudflare.com:443 -servername crypto.cloudflare.com -svcb -alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2
++ grep -c '200 OK' /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ c200=0
++ grep -c 'ECH: success' /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ csucc=0
++ grep -ce '^HTTP/1.1 4[0-9][0-9] ' /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ c4xx=0
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no == \y\e\s ]]
++ grep -c 'ECH: success' /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ goodresult=0
+ echo './echcli.sh Summary: '
./echcli.sh Summary: 
++ grep 'ECH: ' /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ allresult=
+ rm -f /tmp/echtesttUJx
+ ((  0 > 0  ))
+ [[ no != \y\e\s ]]
+ [[ no != \y\e\s ]]
+ echo 'Bummer - probably didn'\''t work'
Bummer - probably didn't work
+ res=1
+ echo

+ exit 1
sftcd commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Looks like there's no output from dig when run from within the script. Not sure why that might be. You should see something like:

++ dig +short -t TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com
++ tail -1
++ cut -f 3- '-d '
++ sed -e 's/ //g'
++ sed -e 'N;s/\n//'
+ ECH='  -svcb 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046FE0D00428A0020002041B972673F20CC4FF510046DCD91A7A36D428408FEBAD6FD9AFEAF07CDEAEC0D0004000100010013636C6F7564666C6172652D65736E692E636F6D000000060020260647000007000000000000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F'
+ [[   -svcb 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046FE0D00428A0020002041B972673F20CC4FF510046DCD91A7A36D428408FEBAD6FD9AFEAF07CDEAEC0D0004000100010013636C6F7564666C6172652D65736E692E636F6D000000060020260647000007000000000000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F == '' ]]

(btw - I'll add a check for this to the script once we figure it out)

ghost commented 2 years ago

I found the problem - I tried the commands together by using pipe like dig +short -t TYPE65 crypto.cloudflare.com | tail -1 | cut -f 3- '-d ' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 'N;s/\n//' However after running this sed -e 'N;s/\n//'

And I removed that the output was 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046FE0D00428A0020002041B972673F20CC4FF510046DCD91A7A36D428408FEBAD6FD9AFEAF07CDEAEC0D0004000100010013636C6F7564666C6172652D65736E692E636F6D000000060020260647000007000000000000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F

The output suddenly becomes nothing!

sftcd commented 2 years ago

yay! maybe different versions of sed or something?

$ sed --version
sed (GNU sed) 4.7

TBH - I forget how I even figured out those sed params;-) But we can probably find something that works.

ghost commented 2 years ago

yay! maybe different versions of sed or something?

$ sed --version
sed (GNU sed) 4.7

TBH - I forget how I even figured out those sed params;-) But we can probably find something that works.

That is the problem!

I am not using GNU sed. I am using macOS built in sed and sed --version only outputs invalid option

sftcd commented 2 years ago

I think you should get away with just not doing that last sed command in most cases (or maybe all, who knows;-) that works here anyway for cloudflare and my servers. I'd have to think a bit to figure out what it's even needed for

ghost commented 2 years ago

To make sure, I will test with the Homebrew version of sed if it works then we can only blame Apple for shipping outdated software

sftcd commented 2 years ago

I think I can omit that last call to sed actually given the tail -1 there. I have that change pushed up if that's easier for you than homebrewing That's https://github.com/sftcd/openssl/commit/c19dd93ad413fde25f73480c8ab33beca31494f3

ghost commented 2 years ago

@sftcd Good news! It changed to the correct sed output with Homebrew sed

However the result changed to

Bummer - probably did not work
ECH: Worked but bad name

Really strange!

sftcd commented 2 years ago

good wrt sed ; the 2nd one's different - if you can send the output from $ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh -d I'll see what I see

ghost commented 2 years ago
Running ./echcli.sh at 20211016-003916
Running: /Users/david/openssl/apps/openssl s_client -msg -debug -trace  -tlsextdebug -keylogfile keys.cli  -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1_2  -connect crypto.cloudflare.com:443   -servername crypto.cloudflare.com   -svcb 0001000001000302683200040008A29F874FA29F884F000500480046FE0D0042DD00200020675672013745723E0EF1D243DE36FC01F60C923670D9E25D0DA22F52CBE3672B0004000100010013636C6F7564666C6172652D65736E692E636F6D000000060020260647000007000000000000A29F874F260647000007000000000000A29F884F       -alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2  
./echcli.sh All output
Setting new_session_cb
Sent Record
  Version = TLS 1.0 (0x301)
  Content Type = Handshake (22)
  Length = 588
    ClientHello, Length=584
      client_version=0x303 (TLS 1.2)
        random_bytes (len=28): 97BBDF111115F89E9C438B4AF8F73A4F90017F03D9C65913671CAAAF
      session_id (len=32): B6C76D3BAC1A8572DB144D08CDC18F247A7F8C39119EBBBB94760F502F156768
      cipher_suites (len=8)
        {0x13, 0x02} TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
        {0x13, 0x03} TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
        {0x13, 0x01} TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
      compression_methods (len=1)
        No Compression (0x00)
      extensions, length = 503
        extension_type=ec_point_formats(11), length=4
          uncompressed (0)
          ansiX962_compressed_prime (1)
          ansiX962_compressed_char2 (2)
        extension_type=supported_groups(10), length=22
          ecdh_x25519 (29)
          secp256r1 (P-256) (23)
          ecdh_x448 (30)
          secp521r1 (P-521) (25)
          secp384r1 (P-384) (24)
          ffdhe2048 (256)
          ffdhe3072 (257)
          ffdhe4096 (258)
          ffdhe6144 (259)
          ffdhe8192 (260)
        extension_type=session_ticket(35), length=0
        extension_type=encrypt_then_mac(22), length=0
        extension_type=extended_master_secret(23), length=0
        extension_type=signature_algorithms(13), length=30
          ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)
          ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 (0x0503)
          ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 (0x0603)
          ed25519 (0x0807)
          ed448 (0x0808)
          rsa_pss_pss_sha256 (0x0809)
          rsa_pss_pss_sha384 (0x080a)
          rsa_pss_pss_sha512 (0x080b)
          rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 (0x0804)
          rsa_pss_rsae_sha384 (0x0805)
          rsa_pss_rsae_sha512 (0x0806)
          rsa_pkcs1_sha256 (0x0401)
          rsa_pkcs1_sha384 (0x0501)
          rsa_pkcs1_sha512 (0x0601)
        extension_type=supported_versions(43), length=3
          TLS 1.3 (772)
        extension_type=server_name(0), length=24
          0000 - 00 16 00 00 13 63 6c 6f-75 64 66 6c 61 72 65   .....cloudflare
          000f - 2d 65 73 6e 69 2e 63 6f-6d                     -esni.com
        extension_type=application_layer_protocol_negotiation(16), length=18
        extension_type=psk_key_exchange_modes(45), length=2
          psk_dhe_ke (1)
        extension_type=key_share(51), length=38
            NamedGroup: ecdh_x25519 (29)
            key_exchange:  (len=32): 60DA7616E23D049FCA884F54ABEFF4E5EA8E548ED56933A8B7DFF5C4CE115B10
        extension_type=encrypted_client_hello(draft-13)(65037), length=314
        ECH-type is outer
          kdf 1, aead: 1, config_id: 0xdd
          enc (len=32): 0BBFFA0A94325220FCAA7F662D076FAA35E6EC1E692E226872E08D1F31EBE10D
          payload (len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

write to 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a01b400] (593 bytes => 593 (0x251))
0000 - 16 03 01 02 4c 01 00 02-48 03 03 64 ba 75 d1 97   ....L...H..d.u..
0010 - bb df 11 11 15 f8 9e 9c-43 8b 4a f8 f7 3a 4f 90   ........C.J..:O.
0020 - 01 7f 03 d9 c6 59 13 67-1c aa af 20 b6 c7 6d 3b   .....Y.g... ..m;
0030 - ac 1a 85 72 db 14 4d 08-cd c1 8f 24 7a 7f 8c 39   ...r..M....$z..9
0040 - 11 9e bb bb 94 76 0f 50-2f 15 67 68 00 08 13 02   .....v.P/.gh....
0050 - 13 03 13 01 00 ff 01 00-01 f7 00 0b 00 04 03 00   ................
0060 - 01 02 00 0a 00 16 00 14-00 1d 00 17 00 1e 00 19   ................
0070 - 00 18 01 00 01 01 01 02-01 03 01 04 00 23 00 00   .............#..
0080 - 00 16 00 00 00 17 00 00-00 0d 00 1e 00 1c 04 03   ................
0090 - 05 03 06 03 08 07 08 08-08 09 08 0a 08 0b 08 04   ................
00a0 - 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01-06 01 00 2b 00 03 02 03   ...........+....
00b0 - 04 00 00 00 18 00 16 00-00 13 63 6c 6f 75 64 66   ..........cloudf
00c0 - 6c 61 72 65 2d 65 73 6e-69 2e 63 6f 6d 00 10 00   lare-esni.com...
00d0 - 12 00 10 05 6f 75 74 65-72 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63   ....outer.public
00e0 - 02 68 32 00 2d 00 02 01-01 00 33 00 26 00 24 00   .h2.-.....3.&.$.
00f0 - 1d 00 20 60 da 76 16 e2-3d 04 9f ca 88 4f 54 ab   .. `.v..=....OT.
0100 - ef f4 e5 ea 8e 54 8e d5-69 33 a8 b7 df f5 c4 ce   .....T..i3......
0110 - 11 5b 10 fe 0d 01 3a 00-00 01 00 01 dd 00 20 0b   .[....:....... .
0120 - bf fa 0a 94 32 52 20 fc-aa 7f 66 2d 07 6f aa 35   ....2R ...f-.o.5
0130 - e6 ec 1e 69 2e 22 68 72-e0 8d 1f 31 eb e1 0d 01   ...i."hr...1....
0140 - 10 ce 4a 0b 14 b9 ef 73-cc e4 31 de 4a e8 f4 04   ..J....s..1.J...
0150 - eb 5f 34 36 1a 6d ae 2b-67 92 de 56 8f 08 2a 58   ._46.m.+g..V..*X
0160 - 07 3b 10 dd 70 ba 2b da-57 1d b5 e0 4a 21 f3 f7   .;..p.+.W...J!..
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0180 - 3e 41 5d b1 9f 64 63 64-8d 6d 77 70 84 cf e8 f2   >A]..dcd.mwp....
0190 - 63 2b 17 b4 15 44 32 75-35 fe e2 34 4c 95 d0 67   c+...D2u5..4L..g
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01b0 - d0 d0 bb 6a 00 54 d2 91-7d ed c2 dd 05 35 32 9a   ...j.T..}....52.
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0200 - 5a 21 00 10 61 e9 18 a5-dc eb 41 cf 6f da 44 d9   Z!..a.....A.o.D.
0210 - b2 fc 55 34 b4 8a fe 43-74 ab 34 40 dc 6c d0 66   ..U4...Ct.4@.l.f
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0240 - 4b 54 dd 6b 1e a9 95 b3-14 0a 31 9f 4c 28 7f 2b   KT.k......1.L(.+
0250 - d7                                                .
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 16 03 03 00 7a                                    ....z
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = Handshake (22)
  Length = 122
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (122 bytes => 122 (0x7A))
0000 - 02 00 00 76 03 03 9f e1-1e 5b 33 bc cc 54 d1 e7   ...v.....[3..T..
0010 - 68 d6 0b 92 a1 9d a8 49-7a 12 a5 eb 41 9c 89 c0   h......Iz...A...
0020 - 73 49 60 e5 bb 9c 20 b6-c7 6d 3b ac 1a 85 72 db   sI`... ..m;...r.
0030 - 14 4d 08 cd c1 8f 24 7a-7f 8c 39 11 9e bb bb 94   .M....$z..9.....
0040 - 76 0f 50 2f 15 67 68 13-01 00 00 2e 00 2b 00 02   v.P/.gh......+..
0050 - 03 04 00 33 00 24 00 1d-00 20 9c f3 d3 bf f1 30   ...3.$... .....0
0060 - 9c 70 7d a5 e9 9e 22 83-88 b8 89 f4 15 28 b4 5f   .p}..."......(._
0070 - d0 b8 c7 bb 83 3c a2 09-2a 7d                     .....<..*}
    ServerHello, Length=118
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      compression_method: No Compression (0x00)
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TLS server extension "supported versions" (id=43), len=2
0000 - 03 04                                             ..
TLS server extension "key share" (id=51), len=36
0000 - 00 1d 00 20 9c f3 d3 bf-f1 30 9c 70 7d a5 e9 9e   ... .....0.p}...
0010 - 22 83 88 b8 89 f4 15 28-b4 5f d0 b8 c7 bb 83 3c   "......(._.....<
0020 - a2 09 2a 7d                                       ..*}
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 14 03 03 00 01                                    .....
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ChangeCipherSpec (20)
  Length = 1
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (1 bytes => 1 (0x1))
0000 - 01                                                .
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 26                                    ....&
Received Record
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read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (38 bytes => 38 (0x26))
0000 - 37 a2 b6 fb 0d 9d ef c2-76 19 1f 00 b3 c3 fc 39   7.......v......9
0010 - 79 d7 4e 0e 9c 19 94 ac-4e 3f d1 52 d4 b1 ef fb   y.N.....N?.R....
0020 - 31 64 39 ec 90 b9                                 1d9...
  Inner Content Type = Handshake (22)
    EncryptedExtensions, Length=17
      extensions, length = 15
        extension_type=application_layer_protocol_negotiation(16), length=11

TLS server extension "application layer protocol negotiation" (id=16), len=11
0000 - 00 09 08 68 74 74 70 2f-31 2e 31                  ...http/1.1
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 09 3f                                    ....?
Received Record
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read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (2367 bytes => 2367 (0x93F))
0000 - e5 4f 90 de a2 aa 59 d5-e4 6b 6d e9 5c 56 bd b6   .O....Y..km.\V..
0010 - 42 b9 e1 1c 74 61 ff c7-50 56 48 28 75 b8 b5 68   B...ta..PVH(u..h
0020 - a3 8f 35 aa f6 35 93 c3-38 e4 fd 7c f0 cd d6 23   ..5..5..8..|...#
0030 - 7c 28 36 42 4b f9 5e 9d-cb 0f 0d 0a 7c d6 f8 43   |(6BK.^.....|..C
0040 - f8 3a 5d 6a 17 85 19 c2-2b 74 32 d1 74 15 d8 09   .:]j....+t2.t...
0050 - 41 df 36 6d 58 6c 5b fe-a5 82 82 c0 f9 c5 4b 7a   A.6mXl[.......Kz
0060 - 83 2b 73 36 1a 72 ae 15-f2 6e 10 e3 8b ca 09 bb   .+s6.r...n......
0070 - fa da 32 53 73 40 40 cb-cc 94 69 19 17 06 a3 3d   ..2Ss@@...i....=
0080 - 99 4d 14 c9 e7 c8 79 a2-ce 49 29 b7 f2 a7 21 0f   .M....y..I)...!.
0090 - 46 ac d6 51 7a f4 59 58-83 db 51 4a a7 9e ad a0   F..Qz.YX..QJ....
00a0 - 6e 49 95 bd 47 d6 2f 7f-71 91 04 d5 66 bb b0 b1   nI..G./.q...f...
00b0 - b1 4e 6b f6 59 4d 8c 66-a7 8b 07 38 09 44 67 d9   .Nk.YM.f...8.Dg.
00c0 - fb d0 16 7c 47 6f 00 3c-61 b9 25 e4 80 26 db 53   ...|Go.<a.%..&.S
00d0 - 13 06 4a 5e c4 df 4b 7d-e6 ff 6f 0e e5 25 25 a7   ..J^..K}..o..%%.
00e0 - 59 8b 47 48 d3 bd 43 40-bc c4 93 5b 9a 2b 6a 97   Y.GH..C@...[.+j.
00f0 - 3a eb 14 c5 14 50 53 cb-82 97 29 0c 9b f6 5a c7   :....PS...)...Z.
0100 - de dc 1f f4 7d 08 d6 b9-1c 80 4f f2 59 cc 63 b7   ....}.....O.Y.c.
0110 - 1f 71 48 71 e8 8b 60 e0-f7 df 50 27 aa c0 dd 90   .qHq..`...P'....
0120 - 8a 88 4c 7c 7c f5 01 58-aa 62 fc e1 a7 c4 e4 d5   ..L||..X.b......
0130 - f4 59 33 c5 75 a5 c6 1b-05 e3 1f f1 25 fa de 4c   .Y3.u.......%..L
0140 - 1b 48 fa 24 63 05 7f 86-c3 fe 37 85 1f 48 9a 4f   .H.$c.....7..H.O
0150 - 82 8f 5e b5 0d 14 3b 67-07 ce 1e 62 ca 45 97 24   ..^...;g...b.E.$
0160 - fb c4 04 e3 ab 0e 72 3e-bd ec 9b 40 98 de 6c 30   ......r>...@..l0
0170 - 46 96 5f 48 7d 45 fa 6b-cc f6 75 03 3a 0d 58 f9   F._H}E.k..u.:.X.
0180 - d0 aa 84 bf 9d 49 c2 06-ad 5d f0 48 30 42 16 fc   .....I...].H0B..
0190 - 89 f7 9d 5b 03 71 f4 6f-98 5f bd 7f 15 c0 af ff   ...[.q.o._......
01a0 - f9 68 74 d0 c0 ea 65 50-a3 90 a7 90 e2 56 ce e1   .ht...eP.....V..
01b0 - 72 28 e1 05 3a 36 76 53-f4 f7 3c 79 6f 08 65 19   r(..:6vS..<yo.e.
01c0 - d2 c8 6a a2 80 61 fd 65-e4 d5 d3 9b 98 17 18 0f   ..j..a.e........
01d0 - f2 b3 71 03 39 9b 0e bb-5a e8 65 a3 67 8f 3d f0   ..q.9...Z.e.g.=.
01e0 - bc d3 23 d5 15 ac 70 f3-81 2f 75 68 8f 69 bb e2   ..#...p../uh.i..
01f0 - 39 73 36 b8 32 49 5d 32-8c 6c 6c da 7d ad 99 93   9s6.2I]2.ll.}...
0200 - a1 b0 fa 5f b3 34 05 5a-ef d0 90 f0 4d a0 9d d0   ..._.4.Z....M...
0210 - 14 1d 15 6e b0 3f 35 be-ff 53 36 1a 21 6f 74 47   ...n.?5..S6.!otG
0220 - 58 eb 9e a5 dc af 2a 6b-c4 a1 5c 0c f6 28 a3 8d   X.....*k..\..(..
0230 - 93 83 b1 d3 2a e7 03 1d-62 14 c9 cf 98 db 0d ba   ....*...b.......
0240 - f2 d5 f8 ee 14 d2 21 d5-ee c0 d9 99 8d eb ca 0a   ......!.........
0250 - 1f dc 74 53 ea 01 12 81-8c f4 ac 04 fb 16 4a 89   ..tS..........J.
0260 - d5 2f 34 9e 42 7d 14 6e-11 ce a5 c4 64 c3 c7 75   ./4.B}.n....d..u
0270 - 45 89 2a 99 37 4f ef fb-e8 34 13 c0 0e 7e d3 91   E.*.7O...4...~..
0280 - e0 fe 28 a7 91 c0 ee 31-93 17 b8 d7 15 c5 2d 74   ..(....1......-t
0290 - 5d 01 5d 96 e6 75 e7 3b-31 46 73 f4 6f b1 c8 97   ].]..u.;1Fs.o...
02a0 - 5c 61 42 c5 c6 d7 9b 09-81 26 44 fa ec a8 02 07   \aB......&D.....
02b0 - cd 36 0b ed d2 4c 17 38-f4 40 f8 2d 4a cd 14 c4   .6...L.8.@.-J...
02c0 - c5 10 29 06 c6 15 85 4d-46 71 e2 42 20 29 b9 f5   ..)....MFq.B )..
02d0 - fc 56 dd e2 e6 c3 30 c8-b5 f0 54 a7 c5 4f ad 0b   .V....0...T..O..
02e0 - f0 b4 85 47 0c e4 f7 c9-25 ad cd e0 aa e8 95 16   ...G....%.......
02f0 - 4e 6c 39 9e dc 6e fe 57-6b d5 8d 99 a5 2c 5c 76   Nl9..n.Wk....,\v
0300 - d9 f8 4a 34 bd 44 42 af-af 7d 20 1a be ca b9 63   ..J4.DB..} ....c
0310 - e4 11 b4 be cd b3 50 f1-b3 80 85 ce 45 b2 5c 4a   ......P.....E.\J
0320 - 66 19 37 32 7a 37 60 09-d7 89 17 17 4c ef b3 22   f.72z7`.....L.."
0330 - 13 95 82 90 b1 b1 61 40-2d 15 49 19 63 66 1b 4f   ......a@-.I.cf.O
0340 - 86 91 7c fc f1 14 6c d3-02 93 a0 7d 1c 76 e2 0c   ..|...l....}.v..
0350 - a6 2f bd a7 e5 19 1f b6-ad d8 2c 37 4c a7 b1 0b   ./........,7L...
0360 - ed db 3d 12 30 56 79 f4-a0 fb 4d 54 67 c8 b4 a9   ..=.0Vy...MTg...
0370 - 31 49 b0 61 0a 7a c0 c9-1e 67 ba a7 1e e9 99 74   1I.a.z...g.....t
0380 - 9f a4 39 8f 8e 66 25 17-e2 54 20 20 54 b2 2c 41   ..9..f%..T  T.,A
0390 - b5 1f f3 0d 41 c7 1c 6f-4e f9 fb 1c ae 4e 85 68   ....A..oN....N.h
03a0 - 96 fd 1b e1 35 62 c1 9c-fb d0 ce 37 a5 7f 81 33   ....5b.....7...3
03b0 - 85 fe 79 24 ea d9 77 36-72 b9 9b 9b 2e b1 e6 14   ..y$..w6r.......
03c0 - a6 de 9b 89 a8 5c f8 cc-26 52 00 bb 00 46 f3 df   .....\..&R...F..
03d0 - 42 5c eb 38 6d bd 2a f3-1d 97 8e 29 a4 bf 16 58   B\.8m.*....)...X
03e0 - fe 89 6a 3a 17 31 1f d9-e1 91 fd 10 9d 3d dc 26   ..j:.1.......=.&
03f0 - 64 1f 59 81 13 fe c2 27-36 84 43 ed 18 60 ed 48   d.Y....'6.C..`.H
0400 - 3b 10 6c 30 9d a2 76 6a-c2 1b 6c b7 3d 63 be eb   ;.l0..vj..l.=c..
0410 - ed e3 87 b2 cc a4 b3 6e-2e b0 cd 51 63 88 85 1c   .......n...Qc...
0420 - 20 63 b8 b5 2f cf b1 c2-7b 53 71 46 b8 63 01 28    c../...{SqF.c.(
0430 - 24 b8 5f 79 a9 e0 d3 0d-16 2e f3 f9 d2 84 a9 f3   $._y............
0440 - ad 04 e9 7e 9a d6 08 5c-f6 da b4 5e 94 1f 4e 72   ...~...\...^..Nr
0450 - 60 63 75 33 df 57 d7 9c-1a 65 ac 7e e1 0f f8 13   `cu3.W...e.~....
0460 - 5b bf 6c 60 fe 65 a9 47-34 bc 2d 57 bb d1 cf 21   [.l`.e.G4.-W...!
0470 - ae 23 4f ea 19 3d 25 3b-78 06 93 1b 7b aa 02 a6   .#O..=%;x...{...
0480 - 14 d9 2e fb 99 3d c4 00-ef 24 ea 5e c1 60 02 9f   .....=...$.^.`..
0490 - a6 92 b2 d4 9f 8c 44 ef-56 42 39 d1 be 0c 57 f7   ......D.VB9...W.
04a0 - 07 37 47 81 dd e4 47 2d-d0 e8 52 13 bd a0 48 60   .7G...G-..R...H`
04b0 - 49 f1 c6 0e 30 78 d2 ec-dc 20 ce d2 57 d5 dd 87   I...0x... ..W...
04c0 - 99 7b 0e 34 43 45 42 bc-b5 c1 da a0 f3 a0 0c 8a   .{.4CEB.........
04d0 - d9 65 8c cc 4c b6 4e 65-02 42 28 13 a0 62 da a6   .e..L.Ne.B(..b..
04e0 - 0c 22 e8 30 19 e0 9f a6-0e c9 56 fc e0 f7 75 b3   .".0......V...u.
04f0 - 9f 7c 1b 12 71 2f 7a 29-28 a4 c7 72 fa 05 2f 53   .|..q/z)(..r../S
0500 - 62 a0 13 c9 1c fe 57 a2-6e e2 cb ad 31 2a f2 e2   b.....W.n...1*..
0510 - 0f 67 3d 43 a2 19 45 67-56 9c 1a 55 df 0e 59 0c   .g=C..EgV..U..Y.
0520 - 90 41 c9 eb fb f8 89 e7-12 22 25 be f9 10 5c d2   .A......."%...\.
0530 - f0 d3 26 c8 4d 68 fc c7-e0 4e 98 c0 27 28 0f 8d   ..&.Mh...N..'(..
0540 - 4a d3 2f 19 6c 65 d2 01-1e 49 7a 0e 1e c4 c4 ef   J./.le...Iz.....
0550 - e9 d9 f0 98 5f 6b ee 97-70 60 72 56 6f e5 ba 48   ...._k..p`rVo..H
0560 - 00 00 e4 25 f8 a2 45 92-9b 60 42 a6 31 8b 88 c9   ...%..E..`B.1...
0570 - f2 04 9a ef 74 2d b2 dd-18 8f f6 4d 1a ee 79 89   ....t-.....M..y.
0580 - 9d f5 16 4d bb b3 d4 fd-39 03 e4 02 22 af b1 0c   ...M....9..."...
0590 - 70 02 4c e4 98 8c 9e 2a-78 a0 a5 81 fb 32 75 e7   p.L....*x....2u.
05a0 - 35 02 48 25 31 8d 7c 11-f1 40 fd 39 91 ea f3 88   5.H%1.|..@.9....
05b0 - f9 4d ff a6 43 04 37 a4-ab 4e 25 55 21 f6 0c 9b   .M..C.7..N%U!...
05c0 - 68 25 57 f3 a5 d7 34 c8-ba c5 93 df 75 01 94 d8   h%W...4.....u...
05d0 - ac 94 34 a8 fa a9 67 b4-1e c8 bf fa 5e 85 28 fd   ..4...g.....^.(.
05e0 - 3e 74 62 af ef 55 cf e5-be aa 8d 40 c8 9b 81 6e   >tb..U.....@...n
05f0 - 4e 02 b0 97 6f 9c 60 56-f5 df 81 29 91 82 d0 3a   N...o.`V...)...:
0600 - 90 5e 50 18 b9 dc 3c 65-26 90 53 09 79 df a6 1e   .^P...<e&.S.y...
0610 - c1 25 58 f6 c8 23 c9 73-e1 2a d0 10 c8 44 e7 3c   .%X..#.s.*...D.<
0620 - 8f 74 8a 27 c5 89 e8 31-7f d9 68 5f a4 9c 4f a5   .t.'...1..h_..O.
0630 - d9 db 5c 2d d3 4e e2 ac-4c 3d 4d 64 8f ba 2b cb   ..\-.N..L=Md..+.
0640 - 51 e0 11 c6 9a d2 d5 62-54 50 28 81 30 e4 63 00   Q......bTP(.0.c.
0650 - e2 32 04 03 d3 90 9a 6f-c0 2c 6f e6 ed 7b 86 02   .2.....o.,o..{..
0660 - 41 a5 05 8b a2 aa 83 43-0a 8c ea 15 aa e3 50 84   A......C......P.
0670 - 30 8a 0d 2b 68 9f bb 87-2b 5a 68 35 94 7d 8b 9f   0..+h...+Zh5.}..
0680 - 2b 4b c7 4c ff c8 d7 1c-82 74 f4 ca 14 99 49 7c   +K.L.....t....I|
0690 - cf f6 60 ad a3 2a 86 01-69 95 6a 4b a1 e9 31 82   ..`..*..i.jK..1.
06a0 - 71 f9 6a d4 a0 1f 66 ea-c4 a2 35 b6 30 0e 9e 5d   q.j...f...5.0..]
06b0 - 19 a5 5e d4 86 c1 84 55-81 6b 1f d6 b8 0b 27 cc   ..^....U.k....'.
06c0 - 60 f9 6e a3 31 e6 50 79-f4 4a 40 71 33 84 be d4   `.n.1.Py.J@q3...
06d0 - e7 f4 8c cf ee ba 86 df-cc a9 ff de a2 18 74 4b   ..............tK
06e0 - 62 3c 7b fc 44 55 1f ca-dc 85 78 49 0d 08 88 12   b<{.DU....xI....
06f0 - 6b f2 35 48 4d 6a 3f e6-78 a7 eb 0b cb cb 57 c8   k.5HMj?.x.....W.
0700 - 01 de 31 f0 d9 78 9c 47-bc 5e 8b 7a 6f bf d0 88   ..1..x.G.^.zo...
0710 - 51 63 4a d5 29 d5 b8 31-d6 7d f1 7f 47 29 36 c3   QcJ.)..1.}..G)6.
0720 - a3 37 d3 49 02 9c e9 c4-cf 7e 89 f2 99 b0 e0 af   .7.I.....~......
0730 - b5 7a 73 04 87 63 bc 43-cc 15 c1 e3 a6 e8 b0 bb   .zs..c.C........
0740 - 8e 95 49 cf 74 dd 8b ea-a6 bc 7d b4 02 51 80 14   ..I.t.....}..Q..
0750 - 36 5e f5 d6 da 08 b0 56-36 ce ef 04 c1 0c 9b c6   6^.....V6.......
0760 - 82 6e 2d 45 42 f2 b9 ee-1c a1 3e e7 00 55 6e 0d   .n-EB.....>..Un.
0770 - 20 dd 04 1e e5 b5 7d 73-ea 88 5c 01 9d fe 07 dd    .....}s..\.....
0780 - dd 19 ac 13 c5 96 4b 92-10 40 4b 45 b9 f6 f3 0b   ......K..@KE....
0790 - ab 0d 16 3f 57 24 00 b6-08 ca be 3b ab ef b8 61   ...?W$.....;...a
07a0 - 71 03 33 03 0a 66 36 27-34 93 9c 76 eb 25 98 6a   q.3..f6'4..v.%.j
07b0 - b4 8c 81 af f6 d6 ea 1e-80 c5 5b 1e a6 0f 65 35   ..........[...e5
07c0 - 41 6b a7 5a 0a 1d 8b be-b8 66 e4 0c 2e 32 d8 a5   Ak.Z.....f...2..
07d0 - 57 05 9f 05 29 97 9f d2-9a 20 58 72 0f 75 83 16   W...).... Xr.u..
07e0 - 0f cd b5 5b 49 fe 69 1e-d8 9b 65 9c b9 bd c7 01   ...[I.i...e.....
07f0 - 7a d1 bd b0 02 b8 1c 88-78 4c 6e f8 65 a1 3e c9   z.......xLn.e.>.
0800 - 12 75 fd da 6a 9a 04 bc-cc 59 45 ce 43 34 0a fa   .u..j....YE.C4..
0810 - 74 6d ae dd b0 ff ea cb-4b a8 47 e7 a4 84 86 97   tm......K.G.....
0820 - 70 f3 8b 5e 79 25 3f ba-24 24 a1 d4 21 bd 1b 4a   p..^y%?.$$..!..J
0830 - 24 69 aa f8 6b f8 af 62-50 de f7 58 96 85 5d 22   $i..k..bP..X..]"
0840 - 3e ea 79 89 cd e5 46 e4-85 a0 e7 83 1c 93 4f 13   >.y...F.......O.
0850 - 6f 16 44 3e 41 09 ec 71-bb 11 28 c0 77 87 39 f0   o.D>A..q..(.w.9.
0860 - a4 6f 4e ba 7d a3 19 ce-e9 92 1e 0c 2f c8 97 93   .oN.}......./...
0870 - 60 20 c6 ce 8d 5e f7 30-f2 b5 6f 2d 3b 56 2a 00   ` ...^.0..o-;V*.
0880 - 9f 9b 54 68 32 08 17 49-16 72 c9 73 42 05 7e 02   ..Th2..I.r.sB.~.
0890 - cf 59 29 4e 51 da c4 91-aa 31 05 eb ee e1 03 4c   .Y)NQ....1.....L
08a0 - cb 9c 8c 59 73 8b b8 a6-19 79 44 3d 2a ac ac bd   ...Ys....yD=*...
08b0 - d9 0f ed a8 ba b1 3a 4b-e9 aa d9 4b ec d2 77 33   ......:K...K..w3
08c0 - f4 05 0c 06 48 9f 34 b1-58 2e 72 93 cd 85 ce 78   ....H.4.X.r....x
08d0 - 50 a9 19 7c 73 1e 75 f8-ec 28 14 4b dc 40 3b 2c   P..|s.u..(.K.@;,
08e0 - d4 66 f0 67 a2 c3 8b b3-f2 79 af fc 82 d3 7a 90   .f.g.....y....z.
08f0 - 91 db c5 c9 b8 f7 9b b9-ed f1 6b ac 4c 80 3a 51   ..........k.L.:Q
0900 - ed 44 39 b6 ae ed b6 5d-6a e5 99 49 54 20 21 f6   .D9....]j..IT !.
0910 - 5b 5a ed 59 34 8f c8 d1-1b ec 66 91 db 76 e2 bb   [Z.Y4.....f..v..
0920 - 7b a3 ab 64 1a 02 17 7f-95 62 9e f2 ed 62 ba e5   {..d.....b...b..
0930 - 7c a0 ca 49 56 87 bd 63-39 92 c9 e6 2d 9a f7      |..IV..c9...-..
  Inner Content Type = Handshake (22)
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        Subject: C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                Public-Key: (256 bit)
                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
                NIST CURVE: P-256
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
            Authority Information Access: 
                OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.digicert.com
            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
                Full Name:
            X509v3 Certificate Policies: 
                Policy: 2.16.840.1.114412.1.1
                  CPS: https://www.digicert.com/CPS
                Policy: 2.16.840.1.114412.1.2
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:
        05:24:1d:dd:1b:b0:2a:eb:98:d6:85depth=1 C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = sni.cloudflaressl.com
verify return:1
        No extensions

read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 60                                    ....`
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 96
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (96 bytes => 96 (0x60))
0000 - c9 d8 70 4d 4f 43 58 8e-ba e0 37 cb 4b ae 5b eb   ..pMOCX...7.K.[.
0010 - 6f 53 d7 b4 f6 1b 35 e9-ab 48 bb 6c cd b5 49 54   oS....5..H.l..IT
0020 - fb ac 32 d5 fb 5a dc 01-0f 60 e2 c9 5a 7a ad b0   ..2..Z...`..Zz..
0030 - c3 d2 48 f2 c2 af da 41-e6 3e 71 9c 8a 75 b6 03   ..H....A.>q..u..
0040 - d1 34 5d ec 7e 08 e9 ea-1c 11 38 d8 ab 47 6a d5   .4].~.....8..Gj.
0050 - 77 6c fe 09 da e5 fd ec-16 bb 20 a4 1f 6b b7 bb   wl........ ..k..
  Inner Content Type = Handshake (22)
    CertificateVerify, Length=75
      Signature Algorithm: ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)
      Signature (len=71): 3045022058844BD577BB46192A79612587568D2D1037FC85CB56E7BE4A602D4A7A7696D6022100A9F519C07DEF98AE6CCD67CD6D76B652E9E5A03BF1A5B82A50F8D61D2B0081CD

read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 35                                    ....5
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 53
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (53 bytes => 53 (0x35))
0000 - 12 ac 6e 0d ff 83 31 9d-31 ea 8e ec 05 f5 c9 9e   ..n...1.1.......
0010 - cd 8f 4d 4a 3b 8e d1 74-92 94 cb 79 74 3b ff b2   ..MJ;..t...yt;..
0020 - c6 46 66 b0 87 77 6e 77-a5 09 d9 eb 71 5d 57 01   .Ff..wnw....q]W.
0030 - 85 85 64 42 a8                                    ..dB.
  Inner Content Type = Handshake (22)
    Finished, Length=32
      verify_data (len=32): 82DF4037300AF8F4051B727A3303F1EC75FA71B7A69C3CB86787CB32FBDD2A53

Sent Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ChangeCipherSpec (20)
  Length = 1
    change_cipher_spec (1)

Sent Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 53
  Inner Content Type = Handshake (22)
    Finished, Length=32
      verify_data (len=32): C131792A9F23411F1E47D8720FA4D3EAB6F66E9AB04B7D99DE6D52E6ED547832

write to 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a01b400] (64 bytes => 64 (0x40))
0000 - 14 03 03 00 01 01 17 03-03 00 35 d4 cc 08 47 54   ..........5...GT
0010 - f5 91 22 8d 7a 31 68 c9-52 a8 c7 92 8d e3 25 2f   ..".z1h.R.....%/
0020 - d0 63 69 92 5b 3d 66 7e-ef b5 ab 34 fe 53 72 61   .ci.[=f~...4.Sra
0030 - 3e 1c d9 af 3c 28 51 d5-e5 63 49 4e b2 c8 d4 b5   >...<(Q..cIN....
Certificate chain
 0 s:C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = sni.cloudflaressl.com
   i:C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
   a:PKEY: id-ecPublicKey, 256 (bit); sigalg: ecdsa-with-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: May  4 00:00:00 2021 GMT; NotAfter: May  3 23:59:59 2022 GMT
 1 s:C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
   i:C = IE, O = Baltimore, OU = CyberTrust, CN = Baltimore CyberTrust Root
   a:PKEY: id-ecPublicKey, 256 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Jan 27 12:48:08 2020 GMT; NotAfter: Dec 31 23:59:59 2024 GMT
Server certificate
subject=C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = sni.cloudflaressl.com

issuer=C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3

No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: ECDSA
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 2707 bytes and written 657 bytes
Verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Server public key is 256 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
ALPN protocol: http/1.1
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)
ECH: worked but bad name
*** SSL_ech_print ***
1 ECHConfig values loaded
ECHConfig 0
*** SSL_ech_print ***
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Cf-Ray: 69ed3aabd12739a1-SEA
Expect-Ct: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT
Location: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-esni-13
Server: cloudflare
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2021 00:39:17 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

Sent Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 84
  Inner Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
write to 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a016203] (89 bytes => 89 (0x59))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 54 de 4c ab-b0 7e e7 0e fc f9 8e 7c   ....T.L..~.....|
0010 - e2 d0 0d a7 7b a3 31 22-e4 c8 98 ee fc 55 8b e8   ....{.1".....U..
0020 - b6 da 77 3f 7b 2f 26 be-49 3c 27 b5 79 97 24 28   ..w?{/&.I<'.y.$(
0030 - 6e 93 20 12 b3 44 f5 62-85 4d 21 27 7c d5 78 61   n. ..D.b.M!'|.xa
0040 - 5d ea 0c 34 7f 4c 1b d2-48 0b bb d1 1b 15 5f 8e   ]..4.L..H....._.
0050 - f5 f6 f3 63 95 2f 45 5f-1b                        ...c./E_.
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 01 e8                                    .....
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 488
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (488 bytes => 488 (0x1E8))
0000 - d4 34 a6 88 37 53 e4 c5-bd 70 70 25 8c c7 85 61   .4..7S...pp%...a
0010 - 37 b9 b9 bc 8b 56 a0 34-23 2a 61 72 09 fa ef 93   7....V.4#*ar....
0020 - 9d 4c 57 ca 86 2d e8 be-91 25 3e 91 b9 1f 87 34   .LW..-...%>....4
0030 - 50 a4 6b 8e 9c be fe 45-ac 6c 8a fb 5d 39 bc a6   P.k....E.l..]9..
0040 - ab e0 7d 28 7a 06 d3 e0-bb ef b8 67 f5 31 a6 38   ..}(z......g.1.8
0050 - 4c 71 de 3f 59 34 df 01-6f 0a 0a 11 2f 45 0e 4b   Lq.?Y4..o.../E.K
0060 - e8 ac 14 58 92 10 5f d5-a9 ae 8e 11 2a 3c d1 9a   ...X.._.....*<..
0070 - ff 42 e8 0e 4b 45 2e cc-ba de a9 aa d3 9e b0 bc   .B..KE..........
0080 - 53 2b 43 6f db 7a 94 7b-6a 8d d0 fb 9b 35 15 d6   S+Co.z.{j....5..
0090 - b5 7d 3c de fd cc 30 78-64 c0 08 3d 35 5f 86 7d   .}<...0xd..=5_.}
00a0 - f0 0f a1 0b c7 f6 55 54-41 5a e6 91 71 f6 c3 33   ......UTAZ..q..3
00b0 - f4 77 03 59 cf 1a 5e 05-8e be 8f cd d1 f3 6e 2c   .w.Y..^.......n,
00c0 - 18 1b 99 b6 ab 86 22 3d-fb 9a 7d b9 6c 8a 15 b6   ......"=..}.l...
00d0 - 19 3a 94 7a 43 2a 2f 01-d9 be 6b c5 54 85 06 a7   .:.zC*/...k.T...
00e0 - a1 8f 58 de 1e 2b ab 9f-dd 6e 79 a2 b5 0a 77 95   ..X..+...ny...w.
00f0 - b2 a2 1a df 2d 15 73 c2-24 d5 34 e7 fb 25 08 5f   ....-.s.$.4..%._
0100 - 43 7b 33 c8 a2 9a 3e 91-0f b0 a2 bc eb d4 b0 7e   C{3...>........~
0110 - 84 b5 11 53 39 17 6b ce-d2 87 9b 7f 6d 4c df bb   ...S9.k.....mL..
0120 - fc 26 f6 41 2a c5 b1 83-2d 9a c9 10 16 c9 04 6b   .&.A*...-......k
0130 - 8d ed 54 68 e3 54 63 d0-a9 63 23 44 8c 54 f7 04   ..Th.Tc..c#D.T..
0140 - c6 48 ff 96 a4 7f e8 fa-36 34 98 79 46 7f 52 3f   .H......64.yF.R?
0150 - 72 3d c9 c6 f9 c2 f4 35-d7 99 05 72 ef 20 48 53   r=.....5...r. HS
0160 - 39 b5 50 a5 d6 7d b3 1e-36 6c 9d 36 20 ac 01 5b   9.P..}..6l.6 ..[
0170 - 87 0d 98 74 9b e6 23 dc-7a b2 32 47 ed 2b ab 8f   ...t..#.z.2G.+..
0180 - f6 aa 5b 82 60 69 71 5d-44 03 d7 5f f1 9a 83 0d   ..[.`iq]D.._....
0190 - 63 4a e5 b2 d8 fa 0b d1-8a 9f ec 5f 19 a9 56 97   cJ........._..V.
01a0 - 25 be a5 44 18 2d d5 4c-47 58 10 89 30 03 b6 53   %..D.-.LGX..0..S
01b0 - 5b 26 00 9f d5 0f 85 8c-8e a6 0d e0 89 22 58 05   [&..........."X.
01c0 - ec fe 49 8d 36 ae ff 6c-f0 1a ea ea 73 56 ec a1   ..I.6..l....sV..
01d0 - cd c2 69 4f 99 6a 32 61-ff 4b 19 cb db 48 b7 da   ..iO.j2a.K...H..
01e0 - cb b9 70 61 fc 1d f8 50-                          ..pa...P
  Inner Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012003] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 13                                    .....
Received Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 19
read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a012008] (19 bytes => 19 (0x13))
0000 - 15 33 67 72 c2 31 ce 68-60 d6 da eb f3 14 a3 10   .3gr.1.h`.......
0010 - b1 81 e2                                          ...
  Inner Content Type = Alert (21)
    Level=warning(1), description=close notify(0)

Sent Record
  Version = TLS 1.2 (0x303)
  Content Type = ApplicationData (23)
  Length = 19
  Inner Content Type = Alert (21)
write to 0x6000005ec360 [0x14a016203] (24 bytes => 24 (0x18))
0000 - 17 03 03 00 13 d2 78 ee-35 92 14 b0 92 ad 88 98   ......x.5.......
0010 - b7 e3 2c 92 53 f3 63 68-                          ..,.S.ch
    Level=warning(1), description=close notify(0)

read from 0x6000005ec360 [0x14980e000] (8192 bytes => 0)

./echcli.sh Summary: 
Bummer - probably didn't work
ECH: worked but bad name
sftcd commented 2 years ago

thanks again!

the significant part I guess is "Verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate" - that seems to imply that cloudflare's TLS server cert isn't validating with your local (I guess the OS's?) list of trusted CAs. In that case, it's not an ECH problem but a more general TLS issue.

Does curl produce any errors? $ curl -vvv https://crypto.cloudflare.com/

Or you can just run the openssl s_client without ECH:

$ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh -dn

All going well that should contain:

subject=C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = sni.cloudflaressl.com

issuer=C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3

No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: ECDSA
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 2693 bytes and written 319 bytes
Verification: OK

with the last line being the significant part

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you! By the way, actually your shell script options isn't really working on macOS. -d option produces nothing more than without -d I had to manually edit the file to produce debug output

sftcd commented 2 years ago

Ah, I don't have a mac to hand but I do have a colleague with one I can ask to run tests next week. The good news (for me;-) is that ECH seems to have worked (so the library code is likely not too bad) but it looks like we've a bit of work to do for sure on that OS.

Be interesting to see what you get if you try against one of my servers, e.g. $ CODETOP=$HOME/openssl ./echcli.sh -H draft-13.esni.defo.ie -p 9413 -d - my servers use LetsEncrypt certs so could be those are in whatever root store is used by default on macOS maybe?

ghost commented 2 years ago

Strangely, it still tests against the Cloudflare server instead of your server even if I specify the command line options

ghost commented 2 years ago

And I cannot install any Linux distros on my M1 Macbook

sftcd commented 2 years ago

weird, I guess the bash getopt thing must differ (sorry I don't have much mac experience;-)

sftcd commented 2 years ago

In case you want to try my server without the echcli.sh script: ...

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/openssl
$ $HOME/openssl/apps/openssl s_client -msg -debug -trace  -tlsextdebug -keylogfile keys.cli  -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1_2  -connect draft-13.esni.defo.ie:9413   -servername draft-13.esni.defo.ie   -svcb 000100000500420040FE0D003C0200200020AE5F0D36FE5516C60322C21859CE390FD752F1A13C22E132F10C7FE032D54121000400010001000D636F7665722E6465666F2E69650000        -alpn inner,secret,http/1.1 -alpn-outer outer,public,h2

Note that cloudflare rotate their ECH keys (maybe hourly, not sure) but my servers have static keys so doing the above anytime is ok to test against mine, but you need to re-run echcli.sh (or play with dig yourself) to get a fresh key to test vs. cloudflare.

PS: Getting late in this TZ so I may sign off for the night now, but I'll follow up and (arm-wrestle my colleague to:-) do some tests on macOS after the weekend:-) Thanks for the help though, v. useful to see what happens on other platforms!

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you

Update: Using the gnu-getopt from Homebrew make the command line options work. But built in getopt doesn't work with any shell script which requires command line options

niallor commented 2 years ago

I'm the colleague whom Stephen mentioned upthread. I don't currently have a build environment on my macOS laptop, and it will be a few days before I can spin one up and do some testing of a revised script.

The built-in getopt can't support Stephen's scripts, which rely on functionality specific to the GNU getopt. The simplest and quickest fix I can imagine is, to make a one-line change in (each of) the script(s) of interest as shown below and also to set an environment variable to point to the directory where the GNU getopt is to be found. Either of two directory paths might seems suitable, but only one is invariant over successive Homebrew keg upgrades.

I suggest export GNU_GETOPT_EXEC_PATH=/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin and (using echcli.sh as an example) the following change to any script which is of interest.

Nialls-mba(niall)155: git diff
diff --git a/esnistuff/echcli.sh b/esnistuff/echcli.sh
index 912550dbab..04d6eddc90 100755
--- a/esnistuff/echcli.sh
+++ b/esnistuff/echcli.sh
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function usage()

 # options may be followed by one colon to indicate they have a required argument
-if ! options=$(/usr/bin/getopt -s bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind -- "$@")
+if ! options=$("${GNU_GETOPT_EXEC_PATH:=/usr/bin}/getopt" -s bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind -- "$@")
     # something went wrong, getopt will put out an error message for us
     exit 1
ghost commented 2 years ago

I'm the colleague whom Stephen mentioned upthread. I don't currently have a build environment on my macOS laptop, and it will be a few days before I can spin one up and do some testing of a revised script.

The built-in getopt can't support Stephen's scripts, which rely on functionality specific to the GNU getopt. The simplest and quickest fix I can imagine is, to make a one-line change in (each of) the script(s) of interest as shown below and also to set an environment variable to point to the directory where the GNU getopt is to be found. Either of two directory paths might seems suitable, but only one is invariant over successive Homebrew keg upgrades.

I suggest export GNU_GETOPT_EXEC_PATH=/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin and (using echcli.sh as an example) the following change to any script which is of interest.

Nialls-mba(niall)155: git diff
diff --git a/esnistuff/echcli.sh b/esnistuff/echcli.sh
index 912550dbab..04d6eddc90 100755
--- a/esnistuff/echcli.sh
+++ b/esnistuff/echcli.sh
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function usage()

 # options may be followed by one colon to indicate they have a required argument
-if ! options=$(/usr/bin/getopt -s bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind -- "$@")
+if ! options=$("${GNU_GETOPT_EXEC_PATH:=/usr/bin}/getopt" -s bash -o C:c:def:gGhH:IjnNp:P:rs:S:t:v -l choose:,clear_sni:,debug,early,filepath:,grease,greasesuite,help,hidden:,ignore_cid,just,noech,noalpn,port:,echpub:,realcert,server:,session:,gtype:,valgrind -- "$@")
     # something went wrong, getopt will put out an error message for us
     exit 1

I use Homebrew on M1 ARM64 Macbook air and the directory is /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getppt/bin/

sftcd commented 2 years ago

I just pushed a version that adds a $GETOPTDIR to echcli.sh allowing override from the command line. That also tries to check if $GETOPTDIR/getopt is as expected. Be great if one of you could verify that it seems to work on macOS.

Thanks, S.

PS: some earlier code-review commits tweaked some header file comments so don't be surprised if a make causes a bunch of stuff to happen as well.

niallor commented 2 years ago

I use Homebrew on M1 ARM64 Macbook air and the directory is /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getppt/bin/getopt


Nialls-mba(niall)156: test -d opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getppt/bin/getopt || echo not a directory
not a directory
ghost commented 2 years ago

I use Homebrew on M1 ARM64 Macbook air and the directory is /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getppt/bin/getopt


Nialls-mba(niall)156: test -d opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getppt/bin/getopt || echo not a directory
not a directory

Sorry That was the actual file Not a directory I edited

niallor commented 2 years ago

@sftcd -- sure, but not for a couple of days

ghost commented 2 years ago


ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )

ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_BN_clear", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_BN_free", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_BN_new", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_ossl_decode_der_dsa_sig", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_BN_eq_word", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_ptr_eq", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/asn1_dsa_internal_test] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_ASN1_INTEGER_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ASN1_INTEGER_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ASN1_item_print", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_s_mem", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_s_null", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_write", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_CRYPTO_free", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_freectx in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_CRYPTO_free_ex_index", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_CRYPTO_malloc", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_newctx in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_ERR_clear_error", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_new", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_set_debug", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_set_error", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OPENSSL_DIR_end", referenced from:
      _main in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_DIR_read", referenced from:
      _main in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_die", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _testfile in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_init_crypto", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_transfer_cb_arg", referenced from:
      _transfer_cb in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_secretValue", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_cb", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb_arg", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_dup", referenced from:
      _transfer_cb in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_it", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_get0_cmp_ctx", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_init", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_process_request", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_GENM_ses", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_RR_ses", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_certreq", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_try_certreq", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_LIB_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_method in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_LIB_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_provider_init in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_locate", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_set_int", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_set_size_t", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_add_builtin", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_try_load", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_unload", referenced from:
      _FuzzerClearRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_RAND_set_DRBG_type", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_X509_NAME_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_NAME_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_set_issuer_name", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_set_serialNumber", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_d2i_OSSL_CMP_MSG_bio", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_i2d_OSSL_CMP_MSG_bio", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ossl_cmp_msg_check_update", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [fuzz/cmp-test] Error 1
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_BIO_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_BIO_new_file", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_BIO_printf", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_CRYPTO_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_DigestVerifyInit_ex", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_free", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_gettable_params", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_is_a", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_MD_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_MD_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_params", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_CTX_gettable_params", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_get0_type_name", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_is_a", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_find_sigid_algs", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2sn", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_obj2nid", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_obj2txt", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OPT_HELP_STR", referenced from:
      _test_get_options.test_options in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_locate_const", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_PEM_read_bio_X509", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_PEM_read_bio_X509_PUBKEY", referenced from:
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_ALGOR_cmp", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_ALGOR_get0", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_free", referenced from:
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_get0", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_get0_param", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_pubkey", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_signature", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_tbs_sigalg", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get_X509_PUBKEY", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_bio_err", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_evp_keymgmt_get_params", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_evp_pkey_export_to_provider", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_i2d_X509_ALGOR", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_opt_next", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_error", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_get_argument", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_get_argument_count", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_eq", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_ge", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_ne", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_mem_eq", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_openssl_errors", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_ptr", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_true", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/algorithmid_test] Error 1
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_ASN1_mbstring_copy", referenced from:
      _test_unicode_range in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_BN_free", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_BN_new", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2ln", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2sn", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_free", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_new", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_set0_key", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_i2d_RSAPrivateKey", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_ossl_dh_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_dhx_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_dsa_asn1_meths", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_eckey_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ecx25519_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ecx448_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ed25519_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ed448_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_rsa_asn1_meths", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_rsa_pss_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_sm2_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_eq", referenced from:
      _test_unicode_range in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_le", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_ne", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_note", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_ptr", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_true", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/asn1_internal_test] Error 1
make: *** [build_sw] Error 2
niallor commented 2 years ago

@D4v1dH03 Stephen seems to have made an equivalent or more elaborate chage, but using a different variable name.

sftcd commented 2 years ago

On 17/10/2021 19:14, David Hu wrote:


odd indeed

I'll take a peek at what the CI builds say in a while

if you make clean; make does that fix it?

Ta, S.

niallor commented 2 years ago

@D4v1dH03, Sorry; I don't have an M1 (ARM64) Mac so far, so can't help with the architecture-related trouble.

ghost commented 2 years ago

That's a bummer

niallor commented 2 years ago

I've had success running echcli.sh. It turns out that it's not sufficient, in macOS-land, for the relevant PEM file to be present in the CApath directory; the name of the file is significant, and must be formed from a hash of the contents, as HASHSTRING.0. Rather then renaming the file, a suitably named symbolic link may be used.

The tool for populating the CApath directory is provided in the OpenSSL repo and is built during make processing; it is to be found at tools/c_rehash.

Nialls-mba(niall)411: dirs | head -2
 0  /etc/ssl/certs
 1  ~/Documents/Work/ESNI-Project/build/ECH-draft-13a/openssl
Nialls-mba(niall)412: sudo ~1/tools/c_rehash ./
Doing ./
Nialls-mba(niall)413: ls -l
total 8
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    29 21 Oct 15:01 653b494a.0 -> Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.pem
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1261 21 Oct 14:24 Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.pem

For simplicity, I used the CApath directory expected by echcli.sh. Another directory might be preferable. After installing the PEM file and creating the hash-named link, I obtained the following result.

Nialls-mba(niall)416: dirs -v | head -3
 0  ~/Documents/Work/ESNI-Project/build/ECH-draft-13a/openssl
 1  /etc/ssl/certs
 2  ~/Documents/Work/ESNI-Project/repo/github.com/sftcd/openssl
Nialls-mba(niall)417: ~2/esnistuff/echcli.sh 
Running /Users/niall/Documents/Work/ESNI-Project/repo/github.com/sftcd/openssl/esnistuff/echcli.sh at 20211021-140449
/Users/niall/Documents/Work/ESNI-Project/repo/github.com/sftcd/openssl/esnistuff/echcli.sh Summary: 
Looks like it worked ok
ECH: success: outer SNI: 'cloudflare-esni.com', inner SNI: 'crypto.cloudflare.com'

I was surprised to discover that this hashing requirement is actually documented in the openssl manpage, which was of course the last place I looked. Over on Ubuntu, it's mentioned in the verify manpage.

     -CApath directory
             Verify the signature on a CRL by looking up the issuing certifi-
             cate in dir.  This directory must be a standard certificate
             directory, i.e. a hash of each subject name (using x509 -hash)
             should be linked to each certificate.
ghost commented 2 years ago

@D4v1dH03, Sorry; I don't have an M1 (ARM64) Mac so far, so can't help with the architecture-related trouble.

Now that architecture-specific build problem is solved somehow

Oh no it is still there!

ghost commented 2 years ago

But another problem occurs! ssl/ech.c:120:19: error: use of undeclared identifier 'pemtat'; did you mean 'pemstat'? time_t pemmod=pemtat.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; ^~ pemstat ssl/ech.c:111:17: note: 'pemstat' declared here struct stat pemstat; ^ 1 error generated. make[1]: [ssl/libssl-lib-ech.o] Error 1 make[1]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make: *** [build_sw] Error 2

sftcd commented 2 years ago

On 22/10/2021 04:19, David Hu wrote:

But another problem occurs! ssl/ech.c:120:19: error: use of undeclared identifier 'pemtat'; did you mean 'pemstat'? time_t pemmod=pemtat.st_mtimespec.tv_sec;

I don't see any occurrence of "pemtat" in ech.c and am confused by the line number above. In ech.c at line 246 [1] I do see an APPLE specific use of "pemstat"

Maybe you changed the code some? I've done a few mostly cosmetic tweaks last couple of days so it may be no harm to pull the latest?

Cheers, S.

[1] https://github.com/sftcd/openssl/blob/ECH-draft-13a/ssl/ech.c#L246


ssl/ech.c:111:17: note: 'pemstat' declared here struct stat pemstat; ^ 1 error generated. make[1]: [ssl/libssl-lib-ech.o] Error 1 make[1]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make: *** [build_sw] Error 2

ghost commented 2 years ago

No I did not change the code.

sftcd commented 2 years ago

Not sure then, as I don't see any source file containing the string "pemtat" but maybe try pull the latest and see what you see. Or check via git diff just in case? (Thanks for sticking with it btw, as a result of your issue, @niallor verified that s_client (and curl) work on macOS, which is good to know.)

ghost commented 2 years ago


At ssl/ech.c Line 120 and 122

ghost commented 2 years ago

oops I am on the wrong branch. My fault! I was on ECH-without-ESNI!

sftcd commented 2 years ago

Ah - that makes sense (apologies for my earlier silliness too:-)

ghost commented 2 years ago


ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )

ld: warning: ignoring file test/libtestutil.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
ld: warning: ignoring file libcrypto.a, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A 0x2F 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 )
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_BN_clear", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_BN_free", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_BN_new", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_ossl_decode_der_dsa_sig", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_BN_eq_word", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
  "_test_ptr_eq", referenced from:
      _test_decode in asn1_dsa_internal_test-bin-asn1_dsa_internal_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/asn1_dsa_internal_test] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_ASN1_INTEGER_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ASN1_INTEGER_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ASN1_item_print", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_s_mem", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_s_null", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_BIO_write", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_CRYPTO_free", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_freectx in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_CRYPTO_free_ex_index", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_CRYPTO_malloc", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_newctx in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_ERR_clear_error", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_new", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_set_debug", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ERR_set_error", referenced from:
      _process_cert_request in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_rr in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_genm in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_error in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_certConf in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _process_pollReq in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OPENSSL_DIR_end", referenced from:
      _main in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_DIR_read", referenced from:
      _main in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_die", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
      _testfile in cmp-test-bin-test-corpus.o
  "_OPENSSL_init_crypto", referenced from:
      _FuzzerInitialize in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_transfer_cb_arg", referenced from:
      _transfer_cb in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_secretValue", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_cb", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb_arg", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_dup", referenced from:
      _transfer_cb in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_MSG_it", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_get0_cmp_ctx", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_init", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_SRV_process_request", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_GENM_ses", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_RR_ses", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_exec_certreq", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_CMP_try_certreq", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_OSSL_LIB_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_method in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_LIB_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_provider_init in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_locate", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_set_int", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_set_size_t", referenced from:
      _fuzz_rand_get_ctx_params in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_add_builtin", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_try_load", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_OSSL_PROVIDER_unload", referenced from:
      _FuzzerClearRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_RAND_set_DRBG_type", referenced from:
      _FuzzerSetRand in cmp-test-bin-fuzz_rand.o
  "_X509_NAME_free", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_NAME_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_new", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_set_issuer_name", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_X509_set_serialNumber", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_d2i_OSSL_CMP_MSG_bio", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_i2d_OSSL_CMP_MSG_bio", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
  "_ossl_cmp_msg_check_update", referenced from:
      _FuzzerTestOneInput in cmp-test-bin-cmp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [fuzz/cmp-test] Error 1
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_BIO_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_BIO_new_file", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_BIO_printf", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_CRYPTO_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_DigestVerifyInit_ex", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_free", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_gettable_params", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_KEYMGMT_is_a", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_MD_CTX_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_MD_CTX_new", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_params", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_CTX_gettable_params", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_get0_type_name", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_EVP_PKEY_is_a", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_find_sigid_algs", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2sn", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_obj2nid", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OBJ_obj2txt", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OPT_HELP_STR", referenced from:
      _test_get_options.test_options in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_OSSL_PARAM_locate_const", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_PEM_read_bio_X509", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_PEM_read_bio_X509_PUBKEY", referenced from:
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_ALGOR_cmp", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_ALGOR_get0", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_free", referenced from:
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_get0", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_PUBKEY_get0_param", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_free", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_pubkey", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_signature", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get0_tbs_sigalg", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_X509_get_X509_PUBKEY", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_bio_err", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_evp_keymgmt_get_params", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_evp_pkey_export_to_provider", referenced from:
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_i2d_X509_ALGOR", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_opt_next", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_error", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_get_argument", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_get_argument_count", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_eq", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_ge", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_int_ne", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_mem_eq", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_openssl_errors", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_file in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_ptr", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
  "_test_true", referenced from:
      _test_x509_files in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
      _test_spki_aid in algorithmid_test-bin-algorithmid_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/algorithmid_test] Error 1
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_ASN1_mbstring_copy", referenced from:
      _test_unicode_range in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_BN_free", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_BN_new", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2ln", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_OBJ_nid2sn", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_free", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_new", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_RSA_set0_key", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_add_test", referenced from:
      _setup_tests in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_i2d_RSAPrivateKey", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
  "_ossl_dh_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_dhx_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_dsa_asn1_meths", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_eckey_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ecx25519_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ecx448_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ed25519_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_ed448_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_rsa_asn1_meths", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_rsa_pss_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_ossl_sm2_asn1_meth", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_info", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_eq", referenced from:
      _test_unicode_range in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_le", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_int_ne", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_note", referenced from:
      _test_tbl_standard in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_ptr", referenced from:
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
  "_test_true", referenced from:
      _test_standard_methods in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
      _test_empty_nonoptional_content in asn1_internal_test-bin-asn1_internal_test.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [test/asn1_internal_test] Error 1
make: *** [build_sw] Error 2

Unfortunately this issue is still occuring. I guess we can only wait until someone gets an M1/M2 Mac.

Strangely it only happens on the ECH-draft-13a branch the master branch builds fine