sftcd / policies-consultation

Materials for a consultation with the IETF community on IETF LLC policies (forked for tweaking to generate IAB CoI policy)
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Maybe delete "Prohibited Conflicts" section entirely? #6

Open sftcd opened 4 years ago

sftcd commented 4 years ago

Having removed one of the prohibited conflict bits (in response to Mark's issue#3) and looking at it again, maybe we should just delete that section entirely as it mainly relates to the LLC board and money, which we don't much deal with.

hardaker commented 4 years ago

I'd argue that the last bullet is important: we shouldn't be spending any of the IAB budget on services that directly benefit ourselves or our family, eg. Even the first one is important too, IMHO.

sftcd commented 4 years ago

Also a fair point. If we do keep some text in there then I'd say we should chat first to see what we want in - "prohibited" is a fairly strong term, and the IAB budget is pretty tiny. Just adding a sentence about the IAB budget somewhere might be best unless there are other things we think of that we really want to prohibit.