I have a query that utilises CTE in order to create the resulting table which is what I am looking to retrieve from the
sql database.
Using a pandas backend, the query does not work even at its simplest form of utilising only one CTE.
Using a polars backend, when working with one cte it works but fails when more than one cte is mentioned.
What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?
Create a query with a cte.
Database setup if the error only happens on specific data or data type
Table schema and example data
Example query / code
query = (
main_table as(select [UPRN]
,left(postcode,len(postcode)-3) as pcd_district
FROM [testing].[dbo].[fmv_test]
where category != 'b'
Median_price as(
select pcd_district,
PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [Price]) OVER (partition by pcd_district) AS Median_price
FROM main_table
group by pcd_district, price
Median_estimate as(
select pcd_district,
PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [price_estimate]) OVER (partition by pcd_district) AS Median_price_estimate
FROM main_table
group by pcd_district, [price_estimate]
Median_fmv as (
select pcd_district,
PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [fmv_price_estimate]) OVER (partition by pcd_district) AS Median_fmv
FROM main_table
group by pcd_district, [fmv_price_estimate]
Median_fmv_offset as(
select pcd_district,
PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [fmv_price_estimate_pct_offset]) OVER (partition by pcd_district) AS Median_fmv_offset
FROM main_table
group by pcd_district, [fmv_price_estimate_pct_offset]
select distinct replace(main.pcd_district,' ','') as pcd_district, Median_price, Median_price_estimate, Median_fmv, Median_fmv_offset from main_table main
join Median_estimate on main.pcd_district = Median_estimate.pcd_district
join Median_fmv on main.pcd_district = Median_fmv.pcd_district
join Median_fmv_offset on main.pcd_district = Median_fmv_offset.pcd_district
join Median_price on main.pcd_district = median_price.pcd_district
Python code is as follows:
conn= f"mssql://{username}:{password}@{server}/{database}?driver=SQL+Server"
results = cx.read_sql(conn, query,)
What is the error?
This is the error that I am getting back:
Error connecting to the database or executing the query:
Token error: 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.' on server X executing on line 2 (code: 156, state: 1, class: 15)
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.
RuntimeError: Token error: 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.' on server X executing on line 2 (code: 156, state: 1, class: 15)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
SystemExit: 1
[2024-05-01T12:54:48Z ERROR tiberius::tds::stream::token] Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. code=156
What language are you using?
What version are you using?
Python 3.11.7
What database are you using?
What dataframe are you using?
Can you describe your bug?
I have a query that utilises CTE in order to create the resulting table which is what I am looking to retrieve from the sql database. Using a pandas backend, the query does not work even at its simplest form of utilising only one CTE. Using a polars backend, when working with one cte it works but fails when more than one cte is mentioned.
What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?
Create a query with a cte.
Database setup if the error only happens on specific data or data type
Table schema and example data
Example query / code
What is the error?
This is the error that I am getting back: Error connecting to the database or executing the query: Token error: 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.' on server X executing on line 2 (code: 156, state: 1, class: 15) An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback. RuntimeError: Token error: 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.' on server X executing on line 2 (code: 156, state: 1, class: 15)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
SystemExit: 1
[2024-05-01T12:54:48Z ERROR tiberius::tds::stream::token] Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. code=156