sfu-fas / coursys

Course management, administrative tasks, advisor notes, this blob of Django code does it all.
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MOSS integration #131

Open gregbaker opened 5 years ago

gregbaker commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have MOSS integration so instructors can use it more easily (for codefile submissions). https://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/

Note mosspy module to access MOSS from Python code: https://github.com/soachishti/moss.py

Nice to have: also compare corresponding submissions from previous semesters.

gregbaker commented 5 years ago

On second glance, mosspy doesn't support local MOSS installation, but only queries the Stanford server.

Would be necessary to have a configurable path for the MOSS distribution, do a shell call to it, put the output somewhere, and occasionally clean them up. Then in CourSys, include views that would pass along those files when requested (after checking authz)