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Research how to send data from DAQ board back to computers #31

Open kkramer215 opened 9 months ago

kkramer215 commented 9 months ago

This will involve wireless communication so there can be several ways to do this. We need to consider how we will preserve signal integrity when transmitting and if it's worth it to build a new PCB just to accommodate the higher current needed to run some protocols.

Andromas14 commented 9 months ago

Here they say that LoRa isn't recommended to be used for real-time data (this seems to be from an official LoRaWAN provider):



This is also a good source. They focus more on large-scale automation use cases but there is plenty of in-depth technical info that we can consider. They do end up mentioning that real-time data won't be guaranteed to be reliable.

These are also interesting - and could be useful to compare with other options: https://avbentem.github.io/airtime-calculator/ttn/us915/32,14 https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/airtime-calculator