sg-wireless / pymakr-vsc

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pymakr extension fails to install on Atom 1.58.0 #145

Closed victorhooi closed 2 years ago

victorhooi commented 2 years ago

I first tried to use Pymakr with VS Code, which is my main editor. However, this failed to install properly, with a serialport error (

I next did a fresh install of Atom 1.58.0.

I then tried to install the Pymakr extension using the instructions here -

However, the installation fails with the following error message:

Installing “pymakr@2.1.13” failed.Hide output…

> @serialport/bindings@8.0.8 install /private/var/folders/j1/2g8b6s4n3v7gc_rxd_zj8j2w00_sn4/T/apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq/node_modules/pymakr/node_modules/@serialport/bindings
> prebuild-install --tag-prefix @serialport/bindings@ || node-gyp rebuild

npm WARN deprecated crypto@1.0.1: This package is no longer supported. It's now a built-in Node module. If you've depended on crypto, you should switch to the one that's built-in.
npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
npm WARN deprecated parser-byte-length@1.0.2: renamed to @serialport/parser-byte-length
npm WARN deprecated parser-cctalk@1.0.2: reanmed to @serialport/parser-cctalk
npm WARN deprecated parser-delimiter@1.0.2: reanmed to @serialport/parser-delimiter
npm WARN deprecated parser-readline@1.0.2: reanmed to @serialport/parser-readline
npm WARN deprecated parser-ready@1.0.2: reanmed to @serialport/parser-ready
npm WARN deprecated parser-regex@1.0.2: reanmed to @serialport/parser-regex
npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
prebuild-install WARN install No prebuilt binaries found (target=9.4.4 runtime=electron arch=x64 libc= platform=darwin)
No receipt for '' found at '/'.

No receipt for '' found at '/'.

No receipt for '' found at '/'.

gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!
gyp ERR! configure error 
gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onCpExit (/Applications/
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:223:5)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:272:12)
gyp ERR! System Darwin 20.6.0
gyp ERR! command "/Applications/" "/Applications/" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd /private/var/folders/j1/2g8b6s4n3v7gc_rxd_zj8j2w00_sn4/T/apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq/node_modules/pymakr/node_modules/@serialport/bindings
gyp ERR! node -v v12.14.1
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.1.0
gyp ERR! not ok 
npm WARN notsup Unsupported engine for pymakr@2.1.13: wanted: {"atom":">=1.41.0","node":">=6.3.0 <=7.0.0"} (current: {"node":"12.14.1","npm":"6.14.13"})
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: pymakr@2.1.13
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/private/var/folders/j1/2g8b6s4n3v7gc_rxd_zj8j2w00_sn4/T/apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq/package.json'
npm WARN apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq No description
npm WARN apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq No repository field.
npm WARN apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq No README data
npm WARN apm-install-dir-202178-19894-1ea325y.ufsq No license field.

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @serialport/bindings@8.0.8 install: `prebuild-install --tag-prefix @serialport/bindings@ || node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the @serialport/bindings@8.0.8 install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/victorhooi/.atom/.apm/_logs/2021-08-08T00_26_19_369Z-debug.log

It's a little disappointing that Pymakr doesn't work on either VS Code or Atom currently - is there any other platform it does currently work on? Keen to use the board! =)

3goats commented 2 years ago
AlexanderPilhar commented 2 years ago

I had the very same problem... But I found a solution that works for me (other than downgrading VS Code to previous version):

You can install VS Code in Portable Mode next to your normal version of VS Code! Visual Studio Code Portable can be installed in a previous version via chocolatey (one which is compatible to current PyMakr).

Note: You may need to disable auto update for Visual Studio Code Portable in settings. Tip: Use another theme for Visual Studio Code Portable so you can easily distinguish between the both.

I hope this helps!

jakobrosenberg commented 2 years ago

We have released v1.1.13 which fixes this issue for VSCode. Would love to get some feedback from Atom users to know if this has been fixed for all.