sg-wireless / pymakr-vsc

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Pasting code with CRTL+V in terminal window does not work [BUG] #265

Closed jandleuven closed 1 year ago

jandleuven commented 1 year ago

I upgraded to Pymakr v2.12.3 in VS-Code 1.69.0. Pymakr v2 is a great improvement over v1. But pasting something on the clipboard with CRTL+V into the terminal window seems not to work anymore in v2.

Luckily one can still use 'Edit' (from top menu bar of VS-Code), and next 'Paste'. That menu also says that CTRL+V is the shortcut for it. But that shortcut seems not to work in v2.12.3 of Pymakr. Am I correct?

jakobrosenberg commented 1 year ago

Hi @jandleuven . Thanks for the kind words and for reporting this. Could you try the Preview version and tell me if this issue is present there.

jandleuven commented 1 year ago

I disabled pymakr v2.12.3 and next installed the preview version v2.20.0. But I still have the problem that CTRL+V does not work (while edit > paste from the menu works). With v2.20.0 I can now upload code to the device, while that didn't work yesterday with v2.12.3.

jakobrosenberg commented 1 year ago

I might have found the culprit. In the meantime, if you open a terminal from the menu here, it should work.


jakobrosenberg commented 1 year ago

Hmm, this got weird fast. Opening the terminal from the devices / projects menu always works for me and also did just now. After opening it from terminal dropdown menu, I can no longer copy paste. I'll follow up as soon as I know more.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that right clicking inside a terminal should also paste the content.

jakobrosenberg commented 1 year ago

Closing this as VSCode seems to favor ctrl + shift + v by convention.

If there's anything we can do about this at plugin level, I'll be happy to reopen the issue.