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Consider support for non-identifier characters in UDL suffixes (CWG #1871) #61

Closed tahonermann closed 4 years ago

tahonermann commented 4 years ago

JF requested that SG16 consider this issue and provide a recommendation to EWG.

CWG issue 1871 tracks a request to allow the use of non-identifier characters, specifically currency symbols, as UDL suffixes.

ThePhD commented 4 years ago

As in, _$ and are seen as an identifier (_) and then a separate non-identifier?

Do we have places where _$ used together are already pre-existing? If not we'll have to consider a TR31-style solution to making an underscore followed by certain symbols a single identifier, or hand-crafting special grammar rules for UDLs.

jensmaurer commented 4 years ago

The (abstract) request is that "$" and "€" should be valid suffixes for user-defined literals. It is believed that currency symbols are not valid identifier characters at this time and in a TR31-enabled future. Suggesting to use ISO currency codes (e.g. _USD and _EUR) instead and saying "no" to the request is a reasonable response, in my view.

tahonermann commented 4 years ago

The following messages on the CWG mailing list are relevant:

(Oh, and the progressive encoding corruption through those messages is entertaining! The first message contains _=C2=A2, but that soon becomes _��, and then progresses to ����)

tahonermann commented 4 years ago

SG16 discussed this issue at its April 22nd, 2020 telecon. The following poll was performed:

Poll: Is there any objection to unanimous consent for recommending rejection of this proposal?

The SG16 recommendation has been communicated to the EWG chair.

Closing this issue.