sgadgil6 / cnslab_fmri

CNS (Computational Neuroscience) Lab project for age/sex classification of fMRI scans
80 stars 17 forks source link

The model is unstable #22

Open mlgbmhl opened 3 years ago

mlgbmhl commented 3 years ago

Hello! Thanks for sharing the source code and it helped me a lot. I have attempted to reproduce the results by your code while there are some problems.

In the training and testing process in each fold, the model can get expected test results around 0.83 for acc. I find the model is unstable and train/test loss are still sharply changing in every epoch and even tend to rise. Same problem was found in train/test acc. For example:

      [141001] training loss: 0.310 training batch acc 0.875000
      test loss = 251.06089854240417
      [142001] training loss: 0.313 training batch acc 0.843750
      test loss = 251.3142318725586
      [143001] training loss: 0.310 training batch acc 0.875000
      test loss = 243.6745239496231
      [144001] training loss: 0.313 training batch acc 0.906250
      test loss = 255.16645431518555
      [145001] training loss: 0.313 training batch acc 0.953125
      test loss = 243.88370209932327
      [146001] training loss: 0.315 training batch acc 0.875000
      test loss = 257.25346076488495
      [147001] training loss: 0.314 training batch acc 0.875000
      test loss = 258.0545355081558
      [148001] training loss: 0.310 training batch acc 0.843750
      test loss = 253.85232359170914
      [149001] training loss: 0.312 training batch acc 0.796875
      test loss = 250.11881053447723
      [150001] training loss: 0.310 training batch acc 0.890625
      test loss = 259.8563167452812
      [151001] training loss: 0.309 training batch acc 0.843750
      test loss = 257.9779593348503
      [152001] training loss: 0.311 training batch acc 0.890625
      Best accuracy for window 128 and fold 1 = 0.8394495412844036 at epoch = 27000

Is it appropriate to choose the best test result in some epoch or the final test result after all epoches as the model test acc even if it is still sharply changing?

GMLB1997 commented 2 years ago

In my implementation, even the highest accuracy cannot achieve 0.83. I wonder what is the case in other folds in your implementation? Can you always get the highest accuracy of 0.83?