sgerrand / docker-glibc-builder

A glibc binary package builder in Docker
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Enable Multi-arch by docker buildx #39

Open Jingzhao123 opened 4 years ago

Jingzhao123 commented 4 years ago

Hi, All Now, the buildx is tool which used for build multi-arch images tools. And it is very easy to use. Could we modify some script for building multi-arch images?

gounthar commented 2 years ago

I have made a release on my fork with armv7 and aarch64.

If someone wants to build it by h(im|er)self, the images are available:

docker run --rm --env STDOUT=1 gounthar/glibc-builder:armv7 2.34 /usr/glibc-compat > glibc-bin.tar.gz on a 32 bits arm machine.

docker run --rm --env STDOUT=1 gounthar/glibc-builder:aarch64 2.34 /usr/glibc-compat > glibc-bin.tar.gz on a 64 bits arm machine.

If someone wants to make it more permanent, feel free to ping me.