I would like to contribute to the maps+ plugin for Splunk.
Feature I implemented was a drill down option from a feature, that will set a token "token_feature_drill_down".
That way these coordinates can be used as "INPUTS" / area selection.
try {
var feature_drill_down = (0, p.selectOne)(".js-drill", a);
feature_drill_down && (L.DomEvent.on(u, "click", L.DomEvent.stop), L.DomEvent.on(feature_drill_down, "click", function() {
// Get the current URL
const popupContents = document.querySelectorAll('.leaflet-popup-content');
var drill_value = ""
// Loop through the selected elements (if there are multiple)
popupContents.forEach((popupContent) => {
// Find the zone-def input element within each div
const zoneDefInput = popupContent.querySelector('#zone-def');
// Check if the zone-def input exists in this div
if (zoneDefInput) {
drill_value = zoneDefInput.value;
// You can perform further actions with the value as needed
require(["splunkjs/mvc","splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!"], function(mvc) {
var token_feature_drill_down = mvc.Components.get("default");
}, this));
catch (error){
console.error('An custom error occurred:', error.message);
Some limitations yet, token is a static and not configurable.
I have a hidden search in my dashboard that uses the feature definition as an input, to figure out what "elements of interest" are located in the polygon drawn. Currently I have a little input box set where the users needs to copy paste the feature definition manually over.
The code might not be up to par as quality, so update as need if you want to add it at all.
I would like to contribute to the maps+ plugin for Splunk.
Feature I implemented was a drill down option from a feature, that will set a token "token_feature_drill_down". That way these coordinates can be used as "INPUTS" / area selection.
I am updating one file:
Line 80510-80516 update, this will add another option when clicking on a feature, other than center on, and delete.
Line 79453 add Functionality for the drill down
Some limitations yet, token is a static and not configurable.
I have a hidden search in my dashboard that uses the feature definition as an input, to figure out what "elements of interest" are located in the polygon drawn. Currently I have a little input box set where the users needs to copy paste the feature definition manually over.
The code might not be up to par as quality, so update as need if you want to add it at all.