sghaskell / rest-storage-passwords-manager

Splunk app with Javascript CRUD interface to storage/passwords REST endpoint
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Feature request #3

Open saadi381 opened 4 years ago

saadi381 commented 4 years ago

Can we add bulk password import and remove the app scope column or may be add customized columns in table.. thanks

sghaskell commented 4 years ago

@saadi381 - Thanks for using the app. I'll look into the feasibility bulk import.

With regards to your other requests, why would you want to remove the app scope column? Passwords can be created in different app scopes beyond the app itself and it's useful to know which app scope the password lives in. What's the need for customized columns? The only three fields you can use when creating a password are the username, password and realm. The other columns are the most pertinent columns used in setting ACL's.

storage/password REST endpoint

saadi381 commented 4 years ago

I was actually thinking to use this to store all of my passwords and was looking to add comment/details column would be useful if we can have it.

For App scope is critical but could be optional to be displayed

Thanks for looking into it

sghaskell commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the context, @saadi381. I'll take a look into leveraging the KV Store as a means of storing comments. I can see how that would be useful. I'll also look into the ability to hide/remove columns. I appreciate the feedback.