sglyon / MINPACK.jl

Wrapper for cminpack multivariate root finding routines
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Error from `lmdif1` on macOS? #18

Open johnomotani opened 3 months ago

johnomotani commented 3 months ago

Is MINPACK.jl expected to work on macOS? When I try to call fsolve() I get an error

cfunction: closures are not supported on this platform
  [1] lmdif1(f!::moment_kinetics.nonlinear_solvers.var"#temporary_residual!#61"{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, x0::Vector{Float64}, m::Int64, tol::Float64, show_trace::Bool, tracing::Bool, maxit::Int64)
    @ MINPACK ~/.julia/packages/MINPACK/eU7Uf/src/wrappers.jl:302
  [2] fsolve(f!::Function, x0::Vector{Float64}, m::Int64; tol::Float64, show_trace::Bool, tracing::Bool, method::Symbol, iterations::Int64, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
    @ MINPACK ~/.julia/packages/MINPACK/eU7Uf/src/MINPACK.jl:136
  [3] fsolve
    @ ~/.julia/packages/MINPACK/eU7Uf/src/MINPACK.jl:130 [inlined]

I only have access to macOS via Github's CI servers, so it's not super convenient to test, but I can try to come up with a MWE if it's useful.

The test uses:

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