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'EB Garamond' font has no bold weight #19

Open tgraham-antenna opened 4 years ago

tgraham-antenna commented 4 years ago

The current PDF uses the 'EB Garamond' font for both headings and body text (presumably because the final version was formatted on Linux). However, 'EB Garamond' lacks a bold weight. Arguably this makes for elegant headings and isn't much of a loss, but some of the authors use (and others misuse) bold emphasis, e.g.:

I propose to change to 'Source Serif Pro', which is open source and has multiple weights. It also has a matching 'Source Code Pro', so there would be less mismatch between body text and inline monospace such as <code>, etc. (See, e.g., page 48 (56) of the current proceedings for examples of how the monospace text currently jumps out at you.) Also, the fonts can be included in the Git repository so that everybody who processes the proceedings uses the same fonts.

tgraham-antenna commented 4 years ago

You can't believe anything that I say. Currently using 'League Gothic' for headings and 'Liberation Sans' for body text to match Markup UK website.

All fonts are open source and will be included in Git repository so that output will be the same whether proceedings are formatted on Windows or Linux.