Boolean field is created to control for active or not (cancelled) for event registration
Boolean field is created to control for active or not (cancelled) for session registration
Flow “After Insert Event Registration” status is updated with “created or updated”, I create a logic to cancel session registrations under cancelled event registrations for updates.
New criteria is added into decision at flow “Before Save Session Registration Validations” to control event registration is cancelled or not. If it’s cancelled, “Is Event Registered" field value isn’t set true.
Validation rule “Event_Not_Registered” under “Session Registration” object error message is updated.
“Cancelled Text” text field under object "Event Registration” is created for matching rule of duplicate rule. It is set with “Cancelled” boolean field value via flow “Create Event Registration Id & Fill Registration Fee”.
“Registration Id” field’s unique checkbox is unchecked.
New duplicate rule (it will check “Cancelled Text” and “Registration Id” fields) is created. Duplicate rule is active, If “Cancelled” field is false. (Attendee can have multiple session registration cancellations)
When test is doing, roll-up summary fields on “Public Event” object count or sum cancelled event registrations. Ticket can be create for this problem. FYI
Test Cases Pdf : Test Cases#48.pdf
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Note: When test is doing, roll-up summary fields on “Public Event” object count or sum cancelled event registrations. Ticket can be create for this problem. FYI