sgoldenlab / simba

SimBA (Simple Behavioral Analysis), a pipeline and GUI for developing supervised behavioral classifiers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error while Trying to import frames.. #125

Closed Marcelobot closed 3 years ago

Marcelobot commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, first of all thank you for creating simBA which really offers much more possibilities to my project!

To be honest ive got the problem, that things sometimes are not working as written in the offical guide..

My current situation is, that in the begin of creating a new simba project i recieve an error, when i try to import frames, which ive extractet already before with DLC.

Ive created a new folder on my desktop and stored within 5 videofiles (mp4) + the related csv tracking files + the 5 subfolders that are containing frames, ive already extractet by the DLC process before.

So when selecting one of those subfolders with frames and then trying to import i recieve that specific error: image

is there anything particular i should give attention while storage of the frame files?

Best M.

sronilsson commented 3 years ago

Hello @Marcelobot!

There are a few things that could cause this.

First, it looks like you are trying to import a file called CollectedData_Marcel Moor.csv ? The file name hints that this is you DeepLabCut annotations, not a DeepLabCut-generated analysis file, and this file you are trying to import is not what you want to import into SimBA. See the second paragraph of THIS FAQ for some more info.

For some reason, you get NotADirectoryError. SimBA wants you to select a directory, not a file. I am not how it is possible to select a file in this part of the program, which version of SimBA are you running?

In your file path, there are some funky characters ($) and full stops (Marcel.Moor), could you see if it works if you move the files from the server to the local computer and see if it works then?