sgpatil / oriquent

Orientdb Eloquent driver for Laravel 5
MIT License
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How to use orientdb functions? #14

Open melokki opened 8 years ago

melokki commented 8 years ago

Hi, how can I write queries with functions like shortestpath or dijkstra or any other orientdb function?

for example, how can I write this query? SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'OUT')

sgpatil commented 8 years ago

Hi @melokki unfortunately this feature is not added yet will try to include it soon.

melokki commented 8 years ago

Oh, i understand, thank you for your reply.

I am looking forward for this feature.

captainhusaynpenguin commented 6 years ago

just as an overall follow up, is anyone still working on the project?

and because neo4j & OrientDB are essentially doing the same job, has anyone ever considered, forking the Neo4j Graph Eloquent Driver for Laravel?

sgpatil commented 6 years ago

Hi @lostideaslab I don't know if anybody still working on this, but, yes both Neo4j and orientDB are getting much attention in NoSQL databases field. Also, NeoEloquent is very efficient eloquent driver for laravel for Neo4j. Actually, at beginning, I had taken most of the references from it. I have stopped working on this because the project for which I was developing Oriquent is no more in development. But I will soon restart working on it as I am thinking to use Laravel + OrientDB in my upcoming personal project.