sgr-ksmt / FireSnapshot

A useful Firebase-Cloud-Firestore Wrapper with Codable.
MIT License
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Codable extensions #44

Open kevinrenskers opened 4 years ago

kevinrenskers commented 4 years ago

Would be awesome to have extensions that return Codable publishers for the query/document observers.

sgr-ksmt commented 4 years ago

@kevinrenskers Could you give me an example of code that you are expecting?

kevinrenskers commented 4 years ago

In your documentation you have these two examples:

// Listen document
let listener = Snapshot.listen(.product("some_product_id")) { result in
    switch result {
    case let .success(product):
        print("listened new product",
    case let .failure(error):

// Listen documents
let listener = Snapshot.listen(.products) { result in
    switch result {
    case let .success(products):
        print("listened new products", products.count)
    case let .failure(error):

It would be great if these would not take a completion handler but instead returned a Publisher. So for example

  .sink(receiveCompletion: { completion  in
  }, receiveValue: { products in
    print("listened new products", products.count)
  .store(in: &cancellables)

By returning a publisher, we can combine them with other publishers, assign the result to a writable keypath, map and filter, and all the other things we can do with streams.

sgr-ksmt commented 4 years ago

Nice idea! I will implement extensions for Publisher. But, It takes a while to implement because I'm busy 🙏

kevinrenskers commented 4 years ago

I might send a PR this week. We'll see if I have time :)

kshivang commented 4 years ago

On similar line CombineFirebase is made. It has publisher method for every firebase api. Its source might help.