sgratzl / chartjs-chart-boxplot

Chart.js Box Plots and Violin Plot Charts
MIT License
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Adding chart-boxplot to project gives an error with chartjs-chart-geo #138

Open stewmorg opened 1 week ago

stewmorg commented 1 week ago

I have an angular app that uses several chartjs plugins, including chart-geo.

When adding this plugin via

npm install --save chart.js @sgratzl/chartjs-chart-boxplot

My existing code that starts to produce errors that suggest the chart-geo plugin is not installed.


TS2820: Type '"bubbleMap"' is not assignable to type 'keyof ChartTypeRegistry'. Did you mean '"bubble"'


Can these two plugins co-exist in the same project?

Any help would be appreciated.

stewmorg commented 1 week ago

Relevant pieces of code

I define chartType in a 'parent' class as follows:

public chartType: ChartType;

then in a child class that extends from the parent I set it as:

this.chartType = 'bubbleMap'; /// doesn't work after installing the boxplot. this.chartType = 'violin'; // works

stewmorg commented 1 week ago

closed in error