As part of the resubmission and data paper publishing process, I want to run some simple sensitivity analyses on some of the parameters in the code.
[x] Run a sample of all locations with an increased drainage threshold. This will be done by only running array_{1..3}.sh and running some proportion of the tasks (eg every 3rd task rather than all of them). I will scale the threshold by an arbitrary constant eg 1.25.
[x] Repeat the same as above but for a reduced drainage threshold, scaled by 0.75
There is also the possibility of plugging in different DEM data and running the full set of analysis again to allow comparison between input products. This could be a can of worms for the data paper, as we don't want to argue about DEM products.
As part of the resubmission and data paper publishing process, I want to run some simple sensitivity analyses on some of the parameters in the code.
There is also the possibility of plugging in different DEM data and running the full set of analysis again to allow comparison between input products. This could be a can of worms for the data paper, as we don't want to argue about DEM products.