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2018 Goals — March Update #11

Open sgrove opened 4 years ago

sgrove commented 4 years ago

It’s hard to believe it’s already April 1st! Time sure flies a lot faster that it did back in college. Here’s my monthly update on my goals and progress.

*For reference, I’ve broken up my goals into sections: Emotional, Financial, Intellectual, Physical, Professional, and Spiritual


Here, I’ll share the goal followed by the related achievement of the month after the arrow.


WOW! I almost forgot I hit this goal in March! 😱

This goal originated from a short book I read call The Millionaire Morning by Lewis Howes who hosts a podcast called The School of Greatness — highly recommend!

In his book, he invites you to create a “money vision”, or financial goal, for the next 90 days. I decided on saving/earning $3,000 within three months. To my surprise, I doubled that and saved $6,000 on March 18th. This felt empowering. I wouldn’t have guessed I could do it!

I’m taking a short break from financial goals because I have some large upcoming expenses (trip to Europe this summer!) but plan to do another money vision goal before the end of 2018!😁


Near the beginning of March, I successfully dead-lifted 195 lbs and squatted 200 lbs for five sets of five reps. Although this isn’t 1.5x my body weight, they’re both good milestones.

These past months, I’ve been weighing myself at the gym, usually three times a week to see my progress. However, the scale at the gym has magically disappeared…😳 Instead of hunting down the thief or speaking to management, I decided to purchase my own!

I figured I could also be more consistent with 24/7 access to a scale. Now, I weigh myself every morning after waking up and I record it in my FitBit app which integrates with a handy tool called TrendWeight. It provides you with an accurate measurement based on your previous readings. You can see my trends here.


Monday, March 5th was my first day. So far I am LOVING it! 🤠

Working as a developer and writing code all day is something I really enjoy and I’m thankful I finally made it here after taking a big leap of faith last year at this time when I told my advisor I was dropping out of graduate school.

I haven’t been as consistent with my social media marketing strategy as I thought I would be. I tried creating a spreadsheet using Airtable but that only lasted for about two weeks. I’m still averaging about 100+ new followers a month but I think I’m better off writing articles/tweeting things that provide meaning to people rather than trying to post “just to post”.



I have some good news for these goals! I have taken two actions to bring me closer to my goals:

  1. Paid for a professional strength-building program with coaching
  2. Started tracking my calories using MyFitnessPal

My best friend’s younger brother is a professional personal trainer that builds custom programs for people. I signed up to do two months with him to take my strength training to the next level.

He suggested I start tracking calories so I’ve started using MyFitnessPal. At first, I thought it would be annoying. However, it’s started to become a fun game because I get to figure out how to hit my daily calorie goals.

I believe that both of these will be instrumental in helping me achieve my goals.


I ambitiously said I would write and publish one new article per month. This is the second month that I haven’t succeeded in doing so. Therefore, I am updating this goal to be six articles instead of 12. I think this is more realistic based on the amount of time I am willing to dedicate to this goal while balancing everything else.

*My article for the Learn To Code With Me blog is scheduled to be posted on April 26th so stay on the lookout! 👀

*I also suggested an article idea to Saron, the found of CodeNewbie, which will be about tips I learned from the CodeNewbieChallenge on #GetAJob. I’m starting to write that article this month so hopefully it’s done by the end of April!


This is the second month where I’ve struggled to “complete” a goal related to the intellectual section of my goals.

After thinking about why this is so difficult, I think I’ve come to realize that I’ll have to go month-by-month and set specific, actionable goals. For this month, here’s what I plan to accomplish:

  1. Complete “ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide” by Stephen Grider on Udemy (currently 43% done)

  2. Launch ish website — date is April 8th. 3/4 done with website already

I’d like to add more because this seems easy but I’ll leave it at these two for now and add more if needed.

That’s all for April folks! Stay tuned for next month’s update!

sgrove commented 4 years ago

Hey there! 🤣 :tada:

sgrove commented 4 years ago

Super cool!

sgrove commented 4 years ago
