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2018 Goals — September Update #18

Open sgrove opened 4 years ago

sgrove commented 4 years ago

And as usual, the months are flying by! Hope you’re enjoying the year as much as I am 😃 Let’s get to the reflecting!


Here, I’ll share the goal followed by the related achievement of the month after the arrow.


I still can’t figure out how I am managing this…but being mindful of how I spend my money has sure helped 😅 if I can keep this pace up (we’ll see…) then I think I’ll blow my goal out of the water. 🤞🏼this momentum carries through this month.


Another shocker! For the majority of this year, I’ve been adding around 90–100 followers per month. However this month, it wax 3x that! The reason for this is related to another accomplishment which I’ll mention in the update section.

I’m thankful for all the new followers! I hope to grow my voice in the web development industry and establish my credibility. With that, I’ll be able to reach more people. Keep your eyes out for useful content ➡️ @jsjoeio


Last month, I mentioned creating a ‘learning roadmap’ to help me reach my goals as a developer. I completed the remainder of CS50 and I also finished freeCodeCamp’s Survey Form project.

Since I finished before the month ended, I also started the next course which is MIT 6.00.1x. I hadn’t done any Python prior to this course but I’m learning a ton! 😃

I have a long list of books I want to read one day based on recommendations from friends. This one had been on there a few times so I finally purchased the Kindle version off Amazon. It was a great book!

The key lesson I’ve taken away is labeling thoughts: are they helpful or hurtful? I then let the hurtful ones flow away and try to replace it with a helpful thought. This is simple but effective! 💪🏼


I have a few exciting updates to share 😄 Here they are:


If you remember the August update, I mentioned at the end how I’d love to write courses for egghead? Well, as fate would have it, Kent C. Dodds, who is a very well-known instructor and developer in the JavaScript world saw a video I posted on my YouTube. That lead to a few DMs related to teaching egghead.

Next thing you know, I published my first video on egghead which teaches you how to create a CSS mixin in React using styled-components! 💅🏼

I’m super pumped about this because now I have a platform and audience with whom I can share web development content! 🕺🏼 Be on the lookout for more exciting tutorials and courses 👀

I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve always wished I had a mentor in the web development industry that I could get advice from on a regular basis.

I know it’s easy to get help on specific advice from experts but I’ve always wanted someone (like a role model) who I could chat with on a regular basis (1x/month) to get advice from and make sure I’m heading in the right direction.

I haven’t found anything like that yet though. So instead I thought, “This is something I want. I assume other people want it to so why don’t I start my own and mentor people who have less experience and want guidance?”

Hence, the mentorship program! 🙂

Applications ended on the 28th of September and I received 46! 😱 I’m hoping to start reading them and select someone this week. I think it’s a small piece of evidence that demonstrates the need for this type of thing in our industry. We’ll see what happens with it.

Until next mont! Thanks for reading! 👋🏼
