sgruhier / jquery-addresspicker

JQuery UI widget : address autocomplete field by google maps V3 geocoding service
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Work arround ! #38

Closed webdesign7 closed 11 years ago

webdesign7 commented 11 years ago

The script is awesome ! but there is a small shortcoming ...

Let's put this situation. I have typed an address->selected from suggestion list.Then I want to change the address with another one -> I start typing the new address -> but for this time instead of selecting an address from list of suggestions I will move the cursor out and in the field box will remain address which I have typed ( not one from suggestion list ) . This will conduct to wrong data across the form because the address and the geodata will not match and this could be confusing .


for the mouseout event to be provided a method to check if the result has been selected from the list of suggestions !

if its true that is good if not than something needs to be done :)

Please take this in consideration !

Thank you Sergiu

sgruhier commented 11 years ago

Check out the demo and the "Reverse Geocode after Marker Drag?" above the map.

The use case you gave is correct but the use case of selecting a address from suggestion list and move to marker to the correct position because google map geocoder is wrong makes sense too.