Optional Yearbook Collaboration for Udacity Front-End Scholarship Participants
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As a Visitor, I want to see information about scholarship student(s), so I can discover specific information about a student(s) who attended the scholarship program. #73
3. User Story: As a Visitor, I want to see information about scholarship student(s), so I can discover specific information about a student(s) who attended the scholarship program.
Guidance: This User Story can be assigned to more than one Team Member, One per implementation feature.
(3a) In the section related to list of Classmates, should randomly display a list of a minimum of three (3) students.
(3b) The list of students may have a method to navigate to the specific student information card.
3. User Story: As a Visitor, I want to see information about scholarship student(s), so I can discover specific information about a student(s) who attended the scholarship program.
Guidance: This User Story can be assigned to more than one Team Member, One per implementation feature.
(3a) In the section related to list of Classmates, should randomly display a list of a minimum of three (3) students.
(3b) The list of students may have a method to navigate to the specific student information card.