sgtm-club / sgtm

👍 An ongoing-song sharing platform for musicians
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[IDEA] Exploring UX Stuffs by zôÖma #73

Open zxxma opened 3 years ago

zxxma commented 3 years ago

Context Yesterday I decided to grab the SGTM topic for my daily (or nighty) UX training session. Dono if it will be useful, but I had fun working on, and I think I will maybe continue!

I decided to experiment some little things I'll have to describe here. I'll try to be clear, but feel free to ping or comment if it's not clear!

Important information, the idea to animate at least to things on upcoming screens :

Let's go : Here is the basic Home when you're not logged yet.

Home (without being member)

Home HD -  Unloggued - Unscrolled (PlainPlayer)

Explaination of this screen ⬆️ The idea is to create an experience where the Player is independent from website exploration. ("Don't cut the music each time I click on a new page!")

So, to do it, the idea is to create a constant player on top Header of the site, since the user scrolled a little bit. This is what you see with the white stripe, which appears on top when the user scrolled. Once the portable player is on top, transitions between pages could be fluid without stopping the music.

Stationary Menu

The idea I was exploring is to create 2 "statics things" on the platform : 1) the first is the portable player (which is static once launched with a 1/4 screen scrolled) 2) the Left Menu, which could provide direct access to settings and stuffs (dono what yet ^^)

The content on this Menu is totally invented, but I liked the idea of "gang" which is not really a band, not a "label", not a "group"... Yes, it's maybe strange, or useless. Example: I could create a "Live Gang" for people who love Ableton Live... but I also could create a gang called "New Morning" which could gather every musicians who like/play/listen music @ New Morning (music hall in Paris). It's "open" to use it for 2 people, or for 2000 and that's why I proposed this strange name.

Capture d’écran 2020-11-13 à 02 51 10

My Profile - Edit Page

Home HD - My Profile

I added stuffs from this Issue : [sgtm-club/sgtm] Issue opened: #72 Improve funny placeholders

Add Track Page

Home HD - Add Track

Add Track Page "Validated" - Uploading process

Home HD - Add Track Uploading

Screen : Add Track with a crazy feature : "Affiliate this track to an adress"

It doesn't mean where you live, but you can choose a random place in an Island for a ukulele song, or an industrial building where you had a rave party, for you techno track. I thought it could be fun, maybe not xD

We could imagine create a dedicated page with a big and wonderful map (using Zenly? ^^) where you can just choose track randomly, and discover hidden songs in the sahara desert.


Platform once you scrolled, and you're exploring Timeline of last released tracks.

Home HD - When Scrolled a little

Thanks for reading. Do not hesitate to give feedbacks, ideas, or whatever you want. Cheers peers, zôÖma

moul commented 3 years ago
moul commented 3 years ago

The second round of feedback:

thank you very much

moul commented 3 years ago

I added in the a link to the figma doc with all the logo variations:

Screenshot - Manfred 2020-11-13 at 10 44 41

zxxma commented 3 years ago

Hi again peers!

Second wave, trying to improve little stuffs with feedbacks. And trying to explore new stuffs also.

Home v2.1

Home HD -  Unloggued V3

Home Feed v2.1

Important note : The fader or right side is to quick time travel fast in the ALL website history, so there is no "page 2, 3, 4". This fader will be really "hard" to manage with precision, but, we don't care, to seek something precisely, we'll use the search bar, which provide search by title, artist, date, genre, physical adresse... etc.

Home HD - v2 Home FEED

Add a track Page v2.1 with "World Affiliation"


Track Page - Standard v2.1

Track Page with Producers Details

Home HD - Track Page - Producers Details

My Profile + New Menu

  1. Home (and make appears the User Profile Menu)
  2. Tools (here the idea is to gather every tools, vst, doc, community thread or stuffs that are dedicated to help the creator)
  3. FEED with only Fav (here the threads pinned as favorite)
  4. band threads, gang threads, or followed artists
  5. Notifications (when an artist released something)
  6. World Map to discover tracks exploring the world (and next version, could be crazy to explore the galaxy...!)
  7. The automatic mix page
  8. Upload a track.

Home HD - My Profile +NewMenu

My Profile - Edit v2.1

World Map Exploration

Home HD - World Map Tracks

AUTOMIX Console Feature v2.1 (Draft)


Here you'll find access to ressources and all updated contents. I'll do my best to keep it real on upcoming improvements, and to be available for common works!

Thanks for reading this very long issue. Waiting for your comments & inputs peers! Cheers from quarantine_

moul commented 3 years ago

I'm very happy with this new version:

Very good work, thank you <3

zxxma commented 3 years ago

- TODO : (sôÖn)

bolnel commented 3 years ago

Some thoughts/impressions: