sgtoj / PSConnectWise

PowerShell Module that provide several CmdLets to interact with ConnectWise REST API service.
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Connectwise Manage 2018.4 breaks REST queries using the fields=* parameter #48

Open TheSystech opened 6 years ago

TheSystech commented 6 years ago

I updated our connectwise manage instance to 2018.4 last night, and found that some queries where I was looking for ServiceboardType by name of the type and the same for service board status weren't working correctly using PSConnectwise.

Through debugging and testing with PostMan I found that connectwise is no longer returning all fields when you specify the fields= query parameter. Instead it was only returning the ID field. While I feel this is a bug in Connectwise at this point, it's also true that with their API, leaving the fields parameter out completely is the same as fields=. Given that I modified my local instance of the PSCWAPIClasses.ps1 file in the BuildCWQueryString function, I added another check before it adds the parameter to the vettedqueryparams, where it basically looks for the parameter name fields, and the value to be * and doesn't add it if that is the case.

So that section of code for me now looks like this: if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($p.Value)) { if ( $p.Key -eq "fields" -and $p.Value -eq "*" ) { Write-Debug "fields was for all, so leave it out" } else {

                $vettedQueryParams.Add($p.Key, $p.Value);