sgxgsx / BlueToolkit

BlueToolkit is an extensible Bluetooth Classic vulnerability testing framework that helps uncover new and old vulnerabilities in Bluetooth-enabled devices. Could be used in the vulnerability research, penetration testing and bluetooth hacking. We also collected and classified Bluetooth vulnerabilities in an "Awesome Bluetooth Security" way
MIT License
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Exec error #5

Closed tXambe closed 1 month ago

tXambe commented 1 month ago


when I run " sudo -E env PATH=$PATH bluekit -t AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF -r "

I have this error:

env: ‘bluekit’: No such file or directory

In usr/share/BlueToolkit/bluekit/.logs is empty.

Anyone can help me ?

A greeting and thanks

sgxgsx commented 1 month ago

Hi @tXambe You have to execute the command in the environment.

  1. Execute the following command
    source /usr/share/BlueToolkit/.venv/bin/activate
  2. Then you can execute yours
    sudo -E env PATH=$PATH bluekit -t AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF -r

Refer to for more details.

Let me know if this solves your problem and I'll close this issue

tXambe commented 1 month ago


It seems to work but very slowly

Recon files do not exist, please run recon module first, then exploit module for better results
There are 11 out of 39 exploits available.

Running the following exploits: ['blueborne_CVE_2017_1000250', 'bleedingtooth_badchoice_cve_2020_12352', 'reconnaissance_possible_BLUR', 'bleedingtooth_badvibes_cve_2020_24490', 'reconnaissance_SSP_supported', 'custom_legacy_pairing_second_check', 'blueborne_CVE_2017_1000251', 'blueborne_CVE_2017_0785', 'custom_nino_check', 'custom_method_confusion_check', 'reconnaissance_SC_supported']
Testing exploits:   0%|                                                                                                                                                | 0/11 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/BlueToolkit/modules/tools/blueborne/CVE-2017-1000250/", line 19, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/BlueToolkit/modules/tools/blueborne/CVE-2017-1000250/", line 6, in exploit_cve_2017_1000250
    pkt = L2CAP_CmdHdr(code=4)/L2CAP_ConfReq(type=0x06,length=16,identifier=1,servicetype=0x0,sdusize=0xffff,sduarrtime=0xffffffff,accesslat=0xffffffff,flushtime=0xffffffff)
  File "/usr/share/BlueToolkit/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scapy/", line 399, in __call__
    i.__init__(*args, **kargs)
  File "/usr/share/BlueToolkit/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scapy/", line 188, in __init__
    raise AttributeError(fname)
AttributeError: type
Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Testing exploits:   9%|████████████▎                                                                                                                           | 1/11 [01:04<10:43, 64.34s/it]Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Can't init device hci0: Function not implemented (38)
Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Testing exploits:  18%|████████████████████████▋                                                                                                               | 2/11 [02:00<08:54, 59.42s/it]
Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
b'BLUEEXPLOITER DATA: code=0, data=There is no lmp file from recon script\n'
Testing exploits:  27%|████████████████████████████████████▊                                                                                                  | 3/11 [07:23<24:00, 180.02s/it]Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Can't init device hci0: Function not implemented (38)
Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
Testing exploits:  36%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████                                                                                      | 4/11 [08:48<16:36, 142.30s/it]Partical check - Device connectivity is checked
b'BLUEEXPLOITER DATA: code=0, data=There is no lmp file from recon script\n'
Testing exploits:  45%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊                                                                          | 5/11 [09:07<09:47, 97.90s/it]
sgxgsx commented 1 month ago

@tXambe I don't think it works at all in your case... "Can't init device hci0: Function not implemented (38)" error shows that something is broken with your system. I am not sure whether you installed the tool in a right way.

tXambe commented 1 month ago


The tool is already installed in KALI linux, you just need to uninstall it and reinstall it as indicated.

sgxgsx commented 1 month ago

Again, as I told you before I don't see a problem that arises from the toolkit. Most likely you installed the toolkit* in a wrong way. Try reinstalling and if it doesn't help - please open another ticket with more information.