sh00t2kill / dolphin-robot

A custom Home Assistant Component for WiFI enabled Maytronics Dolphin pool cleaner robots
43 stars 9 forks source link

Duplicate device #138

Closed tigers75 closed 12 months ago

tigers75 commented 1 year ago

Every time I update the add-on the device gets duplicated, so I now have 2 "dolphin" devices: one real, with all the associated entities, and a ghost one without entities. Fact is that HA doesn't let the user delete devices, that's reserved to add ons that must take care of that during installation/updating. Is this correct and must be checked in the code or I am missing something?

elad-bar commented 1 year ago

what are the names that you have? can you pls share the diagnostic file? which version you had before and what was the robot name before the upgrade?


tigers75 commented 1 year ago

I his is what I see after last version upgrade, but it was the same with previous upgrades. I had to delete and reinstall.

Don't mind the name change to "ddd" it was an attempt to distinguish between the 2 devices, but they had the same name originally.

I quote here the diAgnostic, couldn't fiNd a way to attach a file from mobile

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"2023-07-17T01:25:31.853830+00:00" } } ] } } } }

# Screenshot_20230718_101251_Home Assistant Screenshot_20230718_101306_Home Assistant Screenshot_20230718_101300_Home Assistant

elad-bar commented 1 year ago

there was an issue in previous version that was fixed in 0.4.7 and again in 1.0.0, in general you should not uninstall and install, but some of the last version before 1.x were unstable, I hope from now on having more stable versions...

elad-bar commented 12 months ago

@tigers75 is this issue still relevant?
