sh00t2kill / dolphin-robot

A custom Home Assistant Component for WiFI enabled Maytronics Dolphin pool cleaner robots
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Service vacuum.turn_on not found #209

Open amicus1268 opened 2 days ago

amicus1268 commented 2 days ago

Hey Guys,

Great integration and all went well with installation, however, when accessing the controls via the integration or via the dashboard for my pool cleaner, I simply get the messages Service vacuum.turn_on not found and vacuum.turn_off not found. A search of services indicates that this is the case that there are no services called vacuum.turn_on or vacuum.turn_off.

Can you advise how this can be remedied, e.g. code your code be tweaked to allow the vacuum.start, vacuum.stop service calls instead of ones above in the first paragraph.

sh00t2kill commented 2 days ago

"Technically" you can't turn a dolphin pool robot on or off. You can only start and stop.

We did used to have turn_on be equal to start, will need to put this back I think.

For now you can use start

elad-bar commented 2 days ago

Turn on was supposed to run same action of start while turn off is stop, I also noticed it's not working and will get to it

amicus1268 commented 2 days ago

Thanks so much guys. Yes, I thought it was strange that you would be 'turning on' or 'turning off'. I will wait for you to release an update. Thanks again for jumping this so quickly. Cheers.

sh00t2kill commented 2 days ago

There seem to be a bunch of other custom vacuum in the same state. Looks like the idea was to move from turn_on -> start, but the UI still shows the turn_on and turn_off actions.

Im not convinced this is actually something we can fix. turn on and turn off are not supported by the vacuum entity, and you cant (at least not that i can see anywhere) add custom services at the entity level, only at the base domain level (eg mydolphin_plus.turn_on as opposed to vacuum.turn_on)

elad-bar commented 2 days ago

We can, once the vacuum is on, there will be turn off button, will fix it locally and check

sh00t2kill commented 1 day ago

We have a fix for this, will be part of the next release.

HA does some black magic when it detects the off state. If anyone is using automations detecting the vacuum changing TO off, this will break.,

amicus1268 commented 1 day ago

This is fantastic!! Really appreciate all your effort on this. Look forward to the next release