shaack / cm-chessboard

A JavaScript chessboard without dependencies. Rendered in SVG, coded in ES6. Views FEN, handles move input, animated, responsive, expandable
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Absolute URLs to SVGs (pieces/markers/arrows) #120

Closed MrEnroke closed 1 year ago

MrEnroke commented 1 year ago

In previous versions you could reference a full url from the corresponding "svgs". sprite: { url: RESOURCES_URL + 'images/chess/setsnew/' + this.pieces + '/pieces.svg', size: 66, // the sprite size, defaults to 40x40px cache: true // cache the sprite inline, in the HTML }, Now the code is more restrictive and "forces" an intermediate path to exist:

pieces: { type: PIECES_FILE_TYPE.svgSprite, // pieces are in an SVG sprite, no other type supported for now file: "standard.svg", // the filename of the sprite inassets/pieces/ tileSize: 40 // the tile size in the sprite },

Could you somehow afford a full url? In our case, the proposed structure is not interesting because we have more images related to the theme.

View commit: 167b4d7b7d233679df626987b642df4a7aab632f

shaack commented 1 year ago

OK, I understand your point. I would like to keep the props.assetsUrl for convenience, but we could change the code in a way, that, if an asset file starts with / or http, the assetsUrl is ignored. So that only relative Urls use the assertsUrl.

    getSpriteUrl() {
        if(Utils.isAbsoluteUrl(this.props.sprite)) {
            return this.props.sprite
        } else {
            return this.chessboard.props.assetsUrl + "extensions/arrows/" + this.props.sprite

Another way would be to define the path of the assets always relative from props.assetsUrl. "standard.svg" would become "pieces/standard.svg". With that way, we could set the assetsUrl to "" and put full paths in the file props.

    getSpriteUrl() {
        return this.chessboard.props.assetsUrl + this.props.sprite
MrEnroke commented 1 year ago

Looking at the proposal, the first option includes a more complete solution, although I still doubt the need to include a fixed path such as /extensions/markers.

I would leave it up to everyone to define their path in props.sprite: 'extensions/markers/markers.svg'

shaack commented 1 year ago

You are right, the best solution is both

    getSpriteUrl() {
        if(Utils.isAbsoluteUrl(this.props.sprite)) {
            return this.props.sprite
        } else {
            return this.chessboard.props.assetsUrl + this.props.sprite

unfortunately not backwards compatible. But I will implement it and increase a minor version number.

shaack commented 1 year ago

Published to as cm-chessboard@7.7.1