shaack / cm-chessboard

A JavaScript chessboard without dependencies. Rendered in SVG, coded in ES6. Views FEN, handles move input, animated, responsive, expandable
MIT License
209 stars 63 forks source link

2 Player on same PC #132

Closed ezz3r closed 5 months ago

ezz3r commented 5 months ago

Hello guys i am not that good at JS and etc. But i cant figure out how i make an chess game where the player is switched. Would be nice if you could help me.

actor10 commented 5 months ago

What do you mean by "switched"? You want black at the bottom of the screen? That's the "orientation" field

shaack commented 5 months ago

You could use chess-console, which is based on cm-chessboard but a fully functional chess UI with sound and everything. chess-console on GitHub. In every case, you have to learn JS to understand this all or hire a coder.

ezz3r commented 5 months ago

chess-console looks good! will try that, dankeschön :)

ezz3r commented 5 months ago

So i tried chess console but i can't integrate it with php. I have to make a chess game with php for a school project. I want that you can play against each other on different pc's (the communication is through a database). Could someone please recommend me an library for that? HTML etc is not my strenght, its not fun for me :(