shaarli / Shaarli

The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
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no description meta content fetched #1714

Closed lmjst closed 3 years ago

lmjst commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have the option "Automatically retrieve description for new bookmarks" ticked in my shaarli config (Shaarli 0.12.1) but no description is retrieved from web pages which have the meta tag

I've tried with the firefox plugin and the firefox widget without success.

thanks !

virtadpt commented 3 years ago

I think this might have something to do with the theme Shaarli is configured to use. I've noticed this as well when I'm not using the Default Shaarli theme. It happens all the time with Material.

lmjst commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm using the default theme... I wonder whether there is not something with version 0.12.1 since I can't get the thumbs to be displayed but it works locally with a 0.11.1 it works.

ArthurHoaro commented 3 years ago

First can you check if you have this setting enabled in your config file: general.enable_async_metadata.

If it is enabled, you should check you browser debug console to see if there is any error. You can also check the network tab, there should be a XHR request to /admin/metadata.

Also try to toggle this setting to see if it works better in one way or the other.

lmjst commented 3 years ago

Hi, My browser setting says "boolean" for "general.enable_async_metadata"

Also I noticed that on la local install with shaarly 0.11.1 the "thumbnail update" page is at shaarli/?do=thumbs_update and thumbnails are OK

whereas on the remote server with shaarli 0.12.1 the "thumbnail update" page is at /admin/thumbnails and its is stucked at 0 / 592 update.


nodiscc commented 3 years ago

@lmjst can you tell us the value of enable_async_metadata in your shaarli config file? (data/config.json.php)

lmjst commented 3 years ago

The value of enable_async_metadata is "true" Also, I've checked and there is no XHR request to /admin/metadata

The source code of a thumb is for example:

<img data-src="/cache/thumb/c72d08405dc30e25e7627843e8a5d3ac/3cca8e36615c4719c3a04b33593612945cee2752125901.jpg" class="b-lazy b-error" src="" alt="" width="125" height="90">

but since there is nothing in the thumb directory, this result in a [HTTP/2 404 Not Found 878ms]

I've tried with another browser (no extension) and there is the same problem.

Really tricky to find what's wrong

ArthurHoaro commented 3 years ago

While they rely on the same Shaarli setting, the automatic retrieval of link titles and thumbnails are quite different internally. So, let's focus on either of those.

Can you give us a screenshot of your Tools > Server Administration Shaarli page? (you can hide your URL/IP if you wish to)

Then follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that your enable_async_metadata setting is still true in Shaarli config file.
  2. Open your browser console on the Network tab
  3. + Shaare
  4. Use this URL:
  5. Add link
  6. In your Network console you should now have an XHR request to ?url=
  7. Click on that request and ppen the response tab and share the result with us:

nodiscc commented 3 years ago

@lmjst ping

lmjst commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm back from some days off )

Here is the result of your steps I followed (using the +share within my shaarli :

title   "GitHub - shaarli/Shaarli: The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo"
description "The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo - shaarli/Shaarli"
tags    false

ant the screenshot of my config page : shaarli

The description has been retrieved but no picture.

If I use the firefox extension to share the same link, there is no description and no picture.

Thanks dd

nodiscc commented 3 years ago

The description has been retrieved but no picture.

nodiscc commented 3 years ago

(sorry hit enter too fast)

[using the +Shaare button] The description has been retrieved but no picture.

Let's focus on this issue first. Can you share your webserver error logs when you click Add link after pasting the URL?

ArthurHoaro commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Please reopen if you have more info.


The description has been retrieved but no picture.

It looks like the main issue in this thread is working then.

If I use the firefox extension to share the same link, there is no description and no picture.

The Firefox extension is a 3rd party tool which is not maintained directly by us.