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Not too smooth localization process #1783

Open yfdyh000 opened 3 years ago

yfdyh000 commented 3 years ago

This is some suggestions, I failed to do some because I unskilled the code and community.

  1. The Currently Shaarli has no translation/internationalization/localization system available and is single-language. are outdated in Update it and point to doc/md/dev/ (or
  2. Did not mention the application\Languages.php for adding new locale in
  3. "Open inc/languages/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/shaarli.po under Shaarli's directory" is confusing when "Add a new language", I finally tried anyone language ("de"), "save as" and updated from the source code, which was lucky.
  4. I have encountered an unexpected errors for "Plural-Forms", the C:\Program Files (x86)\Poedit\GettextTools\bin\msgcat.exe: msgid 'Search' is used without plural and with plural., it blocks updating po(t) file from code. I finally resolve it by excluding files (see the X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded of #1781). Other locales (like 'ja') may have similar case.
  5. This script doesn't seem to work for me, put and access it, I didn't get a good result, I eventually access the pages listed in that document one by one. I recommend integrating this script to the /shaarli/inc directory.
  6. Provides a more one-click deployment script / steps for various OS / cloud platform, it may be better.
ArthurHoaro commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your feedbacks. I mostly wrote this documentation when I wrote the translation system (and French translation) a while ago, so it's not the most user friendly. We should definitely address your points.